Stephen Brandon assaults boyfriend with wallet, leaving him bloody and injured

48-year-old Stephen Andrew Brandon was at a Clarksville Pike hotel with his lover, Anthony Patrick Finn, when an argument erupted over a wallet. Stephen left the room with Patrick’s wallet, mistaking it for his own. As soon as he noticed the mistake, he says he returned to the room, and an argument began. The argument escalated until Stephen became so upset he threw the wallet at Patrick’s face, resulting in minor injuries and bleeding. Patrick struck him back twice; however, Brandon was deemed to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody, charged with domestic assault with bodily injury.

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Mattie Cherry charged in assault of family members who came to her rescue

When 18-year-old Mattie Cherry’s boyfriend kicked her out of the apartment Tuesday, she called her father, Donald Cherry to come to pick up her and her child. On the way back, they stopped by Willie’s Memories Bar on Clarksville Pike, where his wife, Rhonda Benton, was finishing her shift. As they were waiting in the parking lot, Mattie assaulted her father by punching his head while he was holding his grandchild, resulting in a bleeding injury. She then attempted to get into the bar, grabbing Rhonda’s finger and breaking it during the altercation. She then pushed an AC unit through a window in another attempt to make entry. They have not bonded her out of jail.

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Leonard Smith charged with biting wife, threatening her with a knife

40-year-old Leonard Smith is charged with biting his wife, Angela Smith, and threatening her with a knife. She says he “woke up angry” and was yelling when he bit her in the arm. He then reportedly grabbed a large knife and stood over her, placing her in fear. She says he then went outside and used the knife to stab a hole in the tire of their vehicle.

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Nashville man assaults ex-girlfriend, vandalizes her car while their child watches

21-year-old Mario Mcadoo was charged with domestic assault and vandalism of his after he was involved in an altercation with his ex-girlfriend where he punched her in the arm three times, told her to pull over so he could “beat her ass”, did damage to her car, then bit her on the hand while their child observed from the backseat.

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