DUI: Man says he had a “couple of beers” before driving on Christmas Eve: 89 in a 65 — Cameron Myatt

32-year-old Cameron ‘Cam’ Myatt was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Christmas Eve after a THP State Trooper paced him doing 89 in a 65 mph zone.

During the traffic stop, Myatt admitted to having “a couple of beers” prior to driving, and he performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Myatt was charged with DUI 1st, and is free on pre-trial release.

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Oregon Tourist too drunk for Nashville on Christmas Eve — Brandon Bade arrested outside Rippy’s

27-year-old Oregon Tourist Brandon Bade was fighting with security outside of Rippy’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville on Christmas Eve as an onlooker flagged down police for assistance. Police Officer Christopher Cantrell says he used joint manipulation to subdue Bade, and once he was placed into handcuffs, appeared to be unconscious. The officer states he was going to let him go without charges, and called an ambulance to transport the unconscious man to the hospital, and uncuffed him so he could be loaded into the ambulance.

Moments later, Bade became conscious again and began to fight with the medics in the back of the ambulance, and attempted to bite one of them. Bade was re-cuffed and told he was under arrest. He then fought with the officer, who was now accompanying him on the ride to Metro General Hospital, and even landed a punch to the officer’s face, despite being cuffed. Bade was charged with assault, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Man calls 911 to report someone is sawing the hinges off his door; he was just high — Matthew Bain arrested

26-year-old Matthew Bain was inside his room at the Super 8 on Bell Road on Christmas Day when he called police to report that someone was sawing his door off the hinges. Officers responded to find no signs of any forced entry or foul play at the location. Bain then told officers how “Lit” he was, but was sad that he flushed the remainder of his drugs down the toilet when he believed someone was cutting off the things to come into his hotel room. With no drugs and no crime, officers cleared the parking lot and scene.

As they were preparing to leave, Bain began running down the sidewalk and into the middle of the road to stop them from leaving. He wanted to again tell them how “LIT” he was while sweating profusely and blocking their patrol cars from moving. He revised to move out of the way, so he was taken to jail and charged with public intoxication. His case was dismissed after the standard 8-hour hold.

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