2nd man arrested in boyfriends vs. car lot pepper spray incident after car repo

28-year-old Masi Kingston is now the second person arrested and charged in the December assault of a car lot employee. Police say he and his boyfriend, Mandrekus North, participated in an assault on a car salesman just days before Christmas. After a repossession, unable to handle the confrontation on his own, North left the car lot to come back with Kingston, who is alleged to have pepper-sprayed the victim before they both fled the scene. Kingston was identified via a lineup and is jailed with a hold from Hamblen County, Tennessee.

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Couple charged with pepper-spraying car salesman after car repossessed, 1 in custody

Metro Police say Mandrekus North and Masi Kingston participated in an assault on a car salesman just days before Christmas. Unable to handle the situation on his own, North left the car lot to come back with Kingston, who is alleged to have pepper-sprayed the victim before they both fled the scene.

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