Murphy Reid headbutts & strangles girlfriend after she discloses a dream she had about him

Madeline Deyes says she had a dream about her 22-year-old boyfriend, Murphy Dean Reid, and when she told him about it, he assaulted her. Reid reportedly misunderstood or misinterpreted what she was telling about her dream and accused her of throwing “slick shots at him.” according to a police report. He became extremely upset, and Madeline retreated to the bedroom, confused by his reaction. Reid then followed her and used both hands to strangle her from the front until she had difficulty breathing. When she tried to fight him off, she says he headbutted her. He eventually stopped the assault and packed his things as she demanded he leaves. Medics transported Deyes to the hospital for her injuries, and a warrant was issued for Reid’s arrest, on which he was booked this week.

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Steven Clark subdued by citizen after attacking car at White Castle drive-thru in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say Corric Crawford had chased down and detained 30-year-old Steven Clark before they arrived, after he attacked Crawford’s vehicle at the downtown White Castle drive-thru. Multiple witnesses report Crawford was in the drive-thru when Clark jumped on his vehicle, causing severe damage to the hood and smashing out the rear windshield. Clark fled, and Crawford drove around until he located him. Armed with a knife, Crawford confronted Clark, cleared him for any weapons, then held him until police arrived. One witness states the victim may have assaulted Clark when he confronted him, but no associated charges were filed. Damages to the vehicle were estimated at $6,000.

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