MNPD Officer Sean Pulizzano stabbed in neck with pen, says he “got complacent, didn’t disarm” suspect

You won’t’ find a lot of unearned accolades for MNPD from this outlet, however, there are individuals within the department who carry out amazing work for the city on a daily basis. You would be hard-pressed to find anyone, even those he’s arrested and jailed, to say a bad word about Downtown Officer Sean ‘Spyder’ Pulizzano – he’s one of the true good “good guys” in Nashville.

You also wouldn’t suspect the tall and lanky middle-aged man who has been with the department for nearly two decades was a local MMA legend as he rides his bicycle on-duty for Central Precinct. That’s part of what makes it even more surprising that a suspect got the best of him this week, stabbing him with an ink pen, leaving a deep puncture wound just an inch from his carotid artery.

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Man causes scene at police station when officers can’t fix his cell phone issue — Thomas Gilmore

29-year-old Thomas Gilmore is charged with disorderly conduct after Metro Police say he walked into the Central Precinct in downtown Nashville, upset about a cell phone issue, and demanding police fix it. When they explained they would not fix his phone, he began yelling obscenities and threatened to punch the on-duty officers.

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Tourist bites the arm of a security guard who found him vomiting behind a police precinct: Tommy Gervase

22-year-old Thomas ‘Tommy’ Gervase was found at the back of Central Precinct in downtown Nashville near the loading dock vomiting. When told he had to leave the property, he pushed the security guard and bit him on the arm, leaving a visible injury.

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