Urine-soaked tourist tells police his name is “Captain Morgan” — Jeffrey Kaply arrested #VisitMusicCity

52-year-old Jeffrey Kaply told Nashville Police his name was “Captain Morgan” after being found heavily intoxicated on the 6th floor of the Moxy Hotel in downtown Nashville. Just prior to their arrival, he was seen by hotel staff with his pants down in the corner of the ironing room while urinating on the floor. He admitted to having “a lot” to drink. #VisitMusicCity

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Teen on 40mg Xanax, 8 shots of Captain Morgan, heists $750 of wine from Opryland Hotel

“I know I shouldn’t have done it, but I shouldn’t be this drunk either, and I am.” – those are the words of 18-year-old Jacob D. Waswick, who also told police “When you take 40 mg of Xanax, & 8 shots of Captain Morgan, and want some wine, you think… well, there’s no camera, I can jump a wall, and get into a cooler, and nobody will know.”

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