Calvin Howse pours syrup in gas tank of cheating wife… tosses bottle at her; “this is just the beginning…”

Earlier this month Quinetta Howse informed her husband, 38-year-old Calvin Howse, that she was seeing another man. Though the two are still married, they have been separated for the past month since she had him arrested for DUI for taking his neighbor’s caddy to the store for more alcohol. Since she disclosed her affair she says he has been repeatedly calling, texting, and showing up at her workplace, friends’ houses, and places she shops, and has texted her “this is just the beginning.” On May 19th, he even followed her to the MNPD’s Family Safety Center where she went to report his harassment, and he pulled up beside her parked car and poured syrup down her gas tank, and tossed the syrup bottle at her. Officers were able to review the video of this incident.

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Wife calls cops on her husband who takes neighbor’s Cadillac for a DUI drive — Calvin Howse

Quinetta Howse called Metro Nashville Police on Sunday to report her husband, 38-year-old Calvin Howse, had been drinking since Friday and was out on the road driving their neighbor’s white Cadillac on a revoked license. Officer arrived at the neighborhood, they indeed found him in the Caddy, driving down the street with an alcoholic beverage in his hand. He held the beverage up to officers and stated “these will get you f***-d up real quick!”. He explained he was simply using the car to go get more alcohol, and he knew he was going to jail… and he did.

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