Man pours seltzer on girlfriend, pretends to urinate on her clothes — Zachary Riddle #DomesticAssault

24-year-old Zachary Riddle is charged with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, Syvashiona Bridgeforth, after a wild incident involving him pretending to urinate on her clothes, a potential breakup, him pouring a seltzer on her back, and her assaulting him with a pair of scissors. There’s also a crazy call with his mother you’ll have to click to read the details…

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MNPD: 33-year-old refuses to exit car to be arrested until mother arrives on-scene

Once ordered out of the vehicle to be arrested by MNPD, 33-year-old Princess Sanders called her mother, and waited on her arrival on-scene before she obeyed officers commands to exit the vehicle to be arrested.

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