Brawling Bros arrested after Broadway tussle — Travis Santos & Di’on King

20-year-old Di’on Lovell King of Nashville, and 32-year-old Travis Chas Santos, of Oakley, California, brawled on Broadway in September. Both parties were arrested by Metro Nashville Police. While it was unsure who started the initial argument, King claims Santos “walked up on him”. Officers had to pull Santos off of King. Both were charged with disorderly conduct. Neither party sought assault charges on the other.

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Florida Man causes scene at Whiskey Bent Saloon after losing wallet — Justin Cook arrested

38-year-old Justin Cook, of Florida, says he lost his wallet at Whiskey Bent Saloon in downtown Nashville. During his search for it, he reportedly was pushing and shoving patrons, and when security intervened he resisted and fought with them, causing them to strike him in the face. Police were called, he continued to be belligerent and causing a scene, so he was taken into custody, charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. He is free on pre-trial release.

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She walked out on her tab at Kid Rock’s bar & bit security. It then took 4 MNPD officers to subdue her — Alianna Mendoza

Metro Nashville Police say it took 4 of their officers to get 32-year-old Alianna Nevah Mikeila Mendoza into a patrol car after she bit a security guard at Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville, after attempting to walk out without paying her tab. Once at booking, it took three officers to get her inside, despite her being in hobble restraints. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Man charged with threatening to stab people with a syringe at Broadway convenience store — Tyler Rasband

29-year-old Tyler Rasband was found at a Broadway convenience store in downtown Nashville wielding a syringe, threatening to stab people with it. An employee of the location attempted to get him to put the syringe away and leave the property, but police eventually had to be called to take him into custody. He is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and jailed in lieu of a $10,000 bond.

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Man found passed out in parking space after 5-6 beers at Jason Aldean’s Bar — Blake Layman

21-year-old Blake Aaron Layman says he had “5 or 6 beers” at Jason Aldean’s bar before he passed out on the ground in a parking space. When officers found him late Friday night and woke him up, he staggered to another parking spot where he threw up before being arrested for public intoxication.

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