Joshua Murner breaks into ex-girlfriend’s home, assaults two people, throws food from fridge

Police say 27-year-old Joshua Murner went to the River Road home of Stevie Voss, who is his ex-girlfriend, just before 5 a.m. on a Sunday in late September, just two days after she ended the relationship. A camera captured him entering at 4:45 a.m., at which time he was yelling and screaming while heavily intoxicated. Voss says he grabbed her by the neck with both hands in an attempt to strangle her, then grabbed her wrists and bicep, leaving more bruises. Elizabeth O’Brien witnessed the assault and attempted to stop him, causing Murnder to grab her by both wrists, also injuring her. In the ten minutes before Murner fled the scene, and before police arrived, Murner also punched holes in four doors and took all of the food from the refrigerator, and threw it across the home, along with shattering glass across the floor. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked into jail Monday morning.

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DUI: David Dybala charged after crashing on Broadway and fleeing the scene

Metro Nashville Police say 39-year-old David Dybala crashed his vehicle into another near 1100 Broadway Wednesday and fled the scene. Officer located him as he was driving away toward the interstate onramp. Officers approached the vehicle, which stopped, and Dybala exited without any prompting. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and had trouble standing. He refused field sobriety tests but was unable to follow simple instructions, such as sitting on a concrete slab.

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Mitchell Webb charged with DUI after crashing into traffic cones when leaving Broadway

Just after 2 a.m. Wednesday, Metro Nashville Police officers responded to Rosa L. Parks Blvd & Church St where a vehicle driven by 27-year-old Mitchell Webb was reportedly crashing into traffic cones. Officers arrived to find Webb out of his vehicle and with the construction crew. He stated he was coming from Broadway. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests that he completed, as they were stopped due to his level of intoxication. He only admitted to drinking “coke”, and would not answer any questions about his alcohol intake, and refused all other tests. He was transported to booking and charged with DUI.

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Des’ree White demanded an escort to her car; she got an escort to jail #DisorderlyConduct

27-year-old Des’Ree White approached Metro Nashville Police Officers on Broadway in downtown Nashville and demanded they escort her to her vehicle. As the conversation continued, another female approached White and asked White if she would like her to walk her to her car instead of the police. White became visibly upset and angered and threw her cell phone at the other female. Officers took White into custody for disorderly conduct.

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Steven Clark subdued by citizen after attacking car at White Castle drive-thru in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say Corric Crawford had chased down and detained 30-year-old Steven Clark before they arrived, after he attacked Crawford’s vehicle at the downtown White Castle drive-thru. Multiple witnesses report Crawford was in the drive-thru when Clark jumped on his vehicle, causing severe damage to the hood and smashing out the rear windshield. Clark fled, and Crawford drove around until he located him. Armed with a knife, Crawford confronted Clark, cleared him for any weapons, then held him until police arrived. One witness states the victim may have assaulted Clark when he confronted him, but no associated charges were filed. Damages to the vehicle were estimated at $6,000.

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Michael Riedel determined to party at Honky Tonk Central; punches a bouncer after being kicked out

Security at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway in downtown Nashville escorted 37-year-old Michael Riedel out of the venue for being disorderly, and he continued to attempt to come back inside. As he was being removed a subsequent time, he reportedly punched one of the bouncers. Metro Nashville Police arrived to assist and observed Riedel swaying on his feet and obviously overly intoxicated to the point he was unable to spell his own name. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Too Turnt for Nashville: James Brooks, 21

Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville watched as 21-year-old James Brooks fell to the ground near 6th & Broadway. As they approached him to assist, they observed his extreme level of intoxication, and attempted to help him stand, however, he had trouble standing and walking on his own, and much of his speech was slurred and was not forming complete phrases. Officers asked him to call a friend to come to get him, however, he repeatedly just opened the camera app on his phone. Officers attempted to assist him with using his phone to arrange an Uber, however, he kept giving his address as “zero”.With no other options available, he was transported to booking, and charged with public intoxication. 

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Penny Crain tells police she had too much to drink, they agree #PublicIntoxication

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville received a call about 52-year-old Penny Crain, who was reported to be “extremely intoxicated” and they found her acting unreasonably in public, and unable to care for herself. A report notes she was having difficulty standing on her own and was slurring her words as she yelled at other citizens in the area. She told police “I had too much to drink”.

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Man arrested after being kicked out of three downtown Nashville bars — Michael Costello

23-year-old Michael Costello was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail at security at Kid Rock’s Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville informed police that Costello had been kicked out of two bars prior to being removed from their venue, and he continued to attempt to come back inside. Officers gave him the chance to walk away and go anywhere else, however, he refused and continued to argue that he was allowed inside.

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Tourist can’t pay the tab after friends leave him at downtown Nashville bar — Brandon Willard

27-year-old Brandon Willard, of North Carolina, was unable to pay his $496.00 tab at a downtown Nashville bar. The bartender says he continued to order drinks for himself and his friends on his tab, and then his friends left the bar. At closing time, he attempted to leave the bar without paying and stated he had no way to pay for the final tab when questioned by police. He was issued a citation for theft of services and was booked on that citation this week.

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“Two beers” make another man too drunk for downtown Nashville — William Britt arrested

Metro Nasvhille Police say 23-year-old William Britt was leaning on a random car at 317 Broadway in downtown Nashville, and someone asked them to check on him. Upon arrival, officers found Britt to be extremely intoxicated, uneasy on his feet, and reeked of alcohol. He told the officer he only had two beers at Jason Aldean’s bar shortly before the interaction. He could not answer any questions about where he was going, where he was staying, and was without a phone, wallet, or transportation. He was transported to booking.

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Trio charged after downtown Nashville brawl, including father & son from Alabama

Metro Police say a trio of folks were all fighting the streets of downtown Nashville last weekend, disrupting both traffic and citizens attempting to use the crosswalks. 18-year-old Brody Presnall, of Alabama, told officers 39-year-old David Castillo pushed him and called him names, and that’s why Brody pushed him back and punched him in the face and began to fight, despite officers giving multiple commands to stop. Brody’s father, 44-year-old Clint Presnall, also got involved when he observed his son getting pushed and engaged in the fight with his son against Castillo.

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Man charged with punching out $12K custom window in downtown Nashville — Justin Bolla

31-year-old tourist Justin Bolla faces a Class C felony vandalism charge after police say he was walking in downtown Nashville when he suddenly punched a hole through the front storefront window of Betty’s Boots on Broadway. Police reviewed security footage and charged the Massachusetts tourist with felony vandalism after the custom window was estimated at $12,000 to repair. His friend with him, Kevin Gately, was additionally charged with public intoxication.

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Olivia Cooper Simmons arrested in FGL House Brawl in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Olivia Cooper Simmons faces a multitude of charges after police arrived at the FGL House bar in downtown Nashville and found her clothing covered in the blood of a person they say she had just assaulted. The female victim was still bleeding profusely from the face when police arrived at the bar. Once at booking, Simmons attempted to shatter the patrol car window with her boot and cracked the door panel, and tried to kick and bite the officers. Her booking had to be delayed due to her aggressive behavior.

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Tourist too drunk for downtown Nashville — Brantley Niven arrested

25-year-old Brantley Niven was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after causing a disturbance at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Nashville. Police say he was inside the 4th Ave. S. hotel lobby insisting he had a room. Management assured him he had no room there and was at the wrong hotel. He began loudly cursing and causing a disturbance, and a disruption to the business. Officer offered to transport him to the correct hotel, he stated “F–k you” and asked twice to be taken to jail. Left with no other options, and no one to care for him, they obliged.

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Nashvillian charged with being too drunk in downtown Nashville — Alex Painter arrested

35-year-old Alex Painter was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday night after police say he was on Broadway getting into multiple verbal and physical altercations with other citizens on the street and at nearby bars. Police were unable to locate anyone to care for him, and he was unable to care for himself.

Painter was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Ohio Man charged with assault of bouncers at Rippy’s Bar — Michael McGhee

30-year-old tourist Michael McGhee now faces two assault charges after an altercation at Rippy’s in downtown Nashville this playoff weekend. Police say early Sunday morning bouncers at Rippy’s bar on Broadway flagged them down due to a fight at the venue. When officers arrived inside, McGhee was already detained by security. He had fallen asleep at the bar and was asked to leave, but instead decided to threaten Joseph Gillaspie and pushed him when Robert Silliman attempted to restrain McGhee, who kicked him in the face.

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Local drinks too much vodka on Broadway, charged with public intoxication — Mario Sardagna

Metro Nashville Police took 48-year-old Mario Sardagna into custody Saturday afternoon at 401 Broadway, Merchants Restaurant. Officer Sean Pulizzano says the local man was extremely intoxicated and was annoying people in the area of the restaurant, and could not stand up without swaying. Sardagna told police he drank too much vodka and apologized.

Sardagna was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Too drunk for downtown Nashville — Derrick Nelson deemed drunk and disorderly

30-year-old Derrick Nelson was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this week after being deemed too drunk to remain on his own in downtown Nashville. Officers first encountered him while patrolling Broadway near 6th Ave South, as he was yelling at other bar patrons in the area and causing a disturbance.

He was having trouble standing steady and was unable to contact anyone that could care for him, or tell officers where he was staying so they could assist him back to that location. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Man accuses bar staff of stealing his wallet; it was in his pocket — Gregory Boatright arrested

36-year-old Gregory Boatright became extremely intoxicated at Bootlegger’s Inn on Broadway in downtown Nashville Saturday night and began to accuse employees and patrons of the bar of stealing his wallet. He eventually became a disruption and was asked to leave – a request which he refused.

Police responded to the bar, and after more drunken behavior he was placed into custody for public intoxication. A search incident to arrest determined his wallet was in his back pocket.

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