Group calls 911 to report Andrea Martinez missing after they abandon her downtown

Citizens on Lischey Avenue called 911 to report a missing person, 22-year-old Andrea Martinez. Police responded to the location, and the parties explained they were all out on Broadway drinking and abandoned Andrea downtown when she became belligerent and aggressive. During the interactions, one of the women received a call from the downtown Hilton Hotel, who had located Andrea as she was disturbing guests and refused to leave despite them having no rooms available. Officers traveled to the Hilton downtown and attempted to arrange somewhere safe for Andrea to go, but she refused all assistance. She was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Andrew Stone charged in auto theft after argument about Christmas Giving

37-year-old Andrew Stone was reportedly arguing with his ex-girlfriend/roommate, Karen Van Winkle, late on December 26th over Christmas gifts. Karen told police Andrew was upset, claiming she didn’t do anything for him. As she walked away to avoid the confrontation, she says he followed her around the house and blocked doorways while yelling at her. She says she was very intimidated and in fear for her safety, due to a prior incident in California when he struck her in the face. He then drove off in her van, which he had never driven and had no permission to take. It was recovered a few blocks away, and Stone had fled the scene.

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Micaela Kirkwood charged with DUI — says she can’t even do field sobriety tests when sober

Nashville Police say 27-year-old Micaela Kirkwood was swerving wildly in and out of lanes on Rosa Parks Blvd and driving up the center median early Monday morning. As officers conducted a traffic stop, the smell of a “sweet alcohol” was coming from Kirkwood and her vehicle. She admitted to drinking wine, but calmed it was hours earlier, and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. At one point, she stated: “I can’t even do this sober!” during field sobriety tests and was wobbly on her feet. She was transported to booking and charged with DUI.

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Chelsea Kelly fired 17 shots into the air while “celebrating father’s day & having fun”

28-year-old Chelsea Kelly is charged with felony reckless endangerment after admitting to firing approximately 17 bullets into the air Sunday night just after 10 p.m., as part of celebrating Father’s Day and just “having fun”. Jason Bond called police to report he heard the gunshots coming from the home directly behind their AirBNB. Officers drove to the location and conducted a knock-and-talk at which time she confessed. Bond also states he had “red laser beams” coming into the home when the gun was being fired. Officers recovered a Taurus .40 cal and multiple shell casings.

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Nashville man has girlfriend arrested for bleaching his clothes

26-year-old Kelley Colbert was arrested Tuesday after she admitted to Metro Police she bleached a bundle of her boyfriend’s clothes. He called police to press charges. Colbert is charged with vandalism, and free on a $1,000 bond.

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