Jack Carpenter unable to handle his alcohol, found lying on downtown Nashville sidewalk

Metro Nashville Police responded to 3rd & Broadway early Thursday morning, where they found 25-year-old Jack Carpenter lying on the sidewalk in an extreme state of intoxication. Medics also arrived to assist due to his level of intoxication, and Carpenter became verbally aggressive with them, eventually refusing all assistance. He did not have a phone on him and was unable to provide officers with anyone to assist him back to where he was staying or the name of the place he was staying. He was given a place to stay for the evening, the Metro Nashville Jail, where he was charged with public intoxication.

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DUI: Michael “Chili Dawg” Castleberry charged after historic Tootsie’s beer-chugging performance

After 23-year-old Micheal “Chili Dog” Castleberry amazed a crowd at Tootsie’s Wednesday night and after his set when to a parking garage to retrieve his vehicle. As he pulled alongside Tootsie’s to load his equipment, he fell asleep behind the wheel while parked and running. Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative pulled behind him and woke him up with medical alongside. He claimed to have stopped drinking “two hours” prior to driving and claimed he was just sleeping while waiting on a friend. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking, charged with driving under the influence.

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Kameron Wheeler pulls knife on bouncer, asks “do you like your teeth?”

32-year-old tourist Kameron Sean Wheeler walked out of Jason Aldean’s bar Saturday night as they were closing and attempted to go back inside but was denied due to the bar closing. Wheeler became belligerent with Jeremiah Riordan after being told he would have to wait for his wife to exit and he could not re-enter. Wheeler then pulled a pocket knife and threatened Riordan with it while asking, “do you like your teeth?” He is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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Levi Norwine charged with disorderly conduct after tow truck incident in Nashville

28-year-old Levi K. Norwine’s vehicle was being towed for a traffic violation on December 11th, and as the two truck driver was loading the vehicle, Norwine jumped onto the tow truck, causing a scene. As the driver was attempting to drive away, Norwine continued to jump onto the truck, saying he needed to retrieve more items from the vehicle. Due to his continued behavior, Norwin was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

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A drunken Alyssa McCoy booted from Tootsie’s & wraps her legs around MNPD Officer Blake Lutz in assault

Police say 29-year-old Alyssa McCoy was ordered to leave Tootsie’s late Wednesday night due to her level of intoxication. She refused and demanded the bouncers explain to her why she had to leave. They attempted to escort her from the venue, at which point she became aggressive with them, and they detained her until the police arrived. Police were going to issue her a citation for the trespass and let her arrange a safe way home, but Alyssa McCoy refused to sign the citation or provide a fingerprint for it. As officers were placing her into physical custody, she used a car to push away from them. Once in handcuffs, McCoy wrapped her legs around Officer Blake Lutz and refused to let go. As officers separated her from his leg, she began to kick him multiple times.

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Tourist Sean Sweeney bashes bouncer in head with beer bottle at Honky Tonk Central

34-year-old Sean Sweeney was upset as security at Honky Tonk Central was closing the 2nd floor late early Friday morning, demanding to know where his lost debit card was. The bouncer advised Sweeney should go back downstairs, where the venue management could assist with a lost car. Sweeny refused to leave the now-closed second floor on his own and was being escorted out by security when he grabbed a glass beer bottle from the bar and struck Samuel Gehrts on the head four times. Sweeney is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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Thomas Dwyer punches cop in face multiple times in downtown Nashville during struggle

At 2 a.m. Friday, Metro Nashville Police responded to an officer needing assistance call on Broadway in downtown Nashville. Officer Brenton Adcox says he came upon 38-year-old Thomas Dwyer, who was assaulting another man. As he commanded Dwyer to stop, Dwyer turned on the officer and began to punch him in the face and head multiple times before Officer Adcox could get him restrained. Dwyer stated he had “a few drinks” but felt he wasn’t drunk, and he claimed the man he was fighting had stolen his hat.

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Anthony Mottola too drunk for downtown Nashville #arrested

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative responded to Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row on Broadway to the report of a disorderly person. On arrival, officers observed 39-year-old Anthony Mottola causing a disturbance with security at the location. Earlier in the night, officers also had contact with Mottola and already advised him to leave the area to prevent future calls. He continued to be extremely intoxicated and was unsure about the location of his hotel. Mottola was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Heaven Flanery charged with public intoxication after assaulting man outside Jason Aldean’s Bar

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative early Sunday morning say 25-year-old Heaven Flanery was standing in front of Jason Aldean’s Bar when she grabbed a bystander by the chin, scratching him. She claimed to know the man she assaulted, however, the victim had no idea who she was. It was determined Flanery was very intoxicated and was unable to tell police where she was staying, who could take care of her, or where her phone was. Due to her inability to care for herself, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Jolene McAllister deemed too drunk for downtown Nashville

An Uber driver flagged down a Metro Nashville Police Officer in downtown Nashville as he had an extremely intoxicated woman in his vehicle who refused to get out but also didn’t know where she was going or staying. 57-year-old Jolene McAllister insisted, via slurred speech, that she was staying “at a hotel around the block” but couldn’t be more specific. Officers attempted to locate her hotel via her Uber app/ride history and attempted other contacts in her phone to assist her to her destination or to find someone to take care of her. With all options exhausted, and her in no condition to be left alone, she was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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William Pearce charged with DUI in downtown Nashville parking garage

Metro Nashville Police say 21-year-old William Pearce was so drunk they had to stop field sobriety tests for fear he would fall over and injure himself in the parking lot of the AT&T building in downtown Nashville where they encountered him. Security contacted police after hearing a crash and observing Pearce backing up from a vehicle he had struck in the garage. A police report details Pearce was sweating profusely with slurred speech and other signs of intoxication. He was taken into custody and charged with DUI, driving without a license, and violation of the implied consent law.

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Too late for tears: Allen Stevens charged with punching his girlfriend in her face, she punched him back

33-year-old Allen Stevens is now charged with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, leaving her bleeding from the mouth after he punched her – and she returned the punch, also causing him to bleed. The couple got into an argument at a downtown convenience store, which caught the attention of employees and police. Stevens is held on a $1,000 bond and additional warrants out of Knox county and appears red-faced and teary-eyed in his mugshot.

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Drunken Millennial found passed out inside porta-potty in downtown Nashville: Charles Burnett arrested

25-year-old Charles Burnett was found passed out inside a porta-potty downtown in the early hours of Thursday morning. He is charged with public intoxication, as officers determined his decision-making skills to not be sufficient to care for himself in his current state of intoxication.

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