Father & Son Tourists cause CODE 5000 #OfficerDown call on Broadway — Weston & William Kandarian

24-year-old Weston Kandarian says off-duty South Carthage Police Officer, Kenneth Thomas, who was working as security for Tootsie’s on Broadway, asked his father, 55-year-old William Kandarian, to leave the venue due to being disruptive and reportedly standing on barstools. Weston interjected and punched and attacked the off-duty officer, while his father, William, placed the officer-turned-bouncer into a chokehold until he lost consciousness. Weston claims the officer is the one who placed him in a headlock first and started the physical confrontation. The victim was transported to Vanderbilt for treatment. 

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Brawling Bros arrested after Broadway tussle — Travis Santos & Di’on King

20-year-old Di’on Lovell King of Nashville, and 32-year-old Travis Chas Santos, of Oakley, California, brawled on Broadway in September. Both parties were arrested by Metro Nashville Police. While it was unsure who started the initial argument, King claims Santos “walked up on him”. Officers had to pull Santos off of King. Both were charged with disorderly conduct. Neither party sought assault charges on the other.

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