Model Malik Perry breaks boyfriend’s mirror, pours juice on kitchen floor during argument

21-year-old Malik Perry and his boyfriend, LaQuest Ware, were in a heated argument at 9 a.m. on January 31. Malik reportedly pushed Ware, tore up their shared apartment, and poured juice all over the kitchen floor, which was observed by responding officers. A mirror belonging to Ware was also destroyed by Malik in a fit of rage. Malik admitted the mirror solely belonged to his boyfriend and that he destroyed it. Perry was taken into custody and charged with domestic-related vandalism. At the time of his arrest, Perry was also served an outstanding warrant from 2020 for driving without a license.

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Man strangles boyfriend; breaks turn-signal & wiper levers from steering column of his car — Nyitrell Debardelaben

23-year-old Nyitrell Debardelaben was driving on Gallatin Pike when he got into an argument with his lover, Jordan Stone. Nyitrell, who goes by the nickname ‘Moo Moo’ on social media, stopped the car and went into a business. When he came back outside, Jordan says Nyitrell reached through the passenger-side window, grabbed his shirt, clawed at his face, and strangled him with one of his hands. As Jordan called 911, Nyitrell returned to the driver’s side of the vehicle and broke off the levers from the steering column that operated the turn signals and the windshield wipers. Police arrived and documented bruising and cuts on the victim’s neck and face.

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Omarion Wright charged after busting windshield of boyfriend’s car while he was seeking an order of protection

19-year-old Omarion Wright and his boyfriend, Isaiah McDaniel, who have made prior Scoop: Nashville appearances for their relationship antics, had a domestic disturbance in March, which resulted in Isaiah going downtown to seek an order of protection. While he was seeking assistance with that endeavor, Omarian reportedly came to his home and smashed the windshield of his vehicle, which was observed by multiple witnesses. There was a female that accompanied Omarion to the location and also participated in the vandalism. Wright reportedly used a car mirror tied to a rope to vandalize the windshield. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked on that warrant this week.

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