Ryan Joyce too drunk to fly on Southwest Airlines

37-year-old Ryan Joyce was denied boarding a Southwest Airlines flight at the Nashville International Airport on February 11 at 4 p.m. Airport police stated Joyce smelled of alcohol and had slurred speech, and was sitting in a wheelchair when they arrived, despite Joyce insisting he was not intoxicated. Officers wheeled him to the ticket counter to rebook on a new flight, but none were available. He then attempted to gather his bags and walk away, but it was deemed he was too intoxicated to care for himself, so he was taken into custody.

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Carolyn Richard Abell too drunk to fly at Nashville Internation Airport

61-year-old Carolyn Richard Abell was denied boarding her Southwest Airlines flight on February 7 due to her extreme level of intoxication. Airport security became involved at the gate, noting that Abell had urinated on herself. She was asked to leave the airport property via taxi or rideshare, but she refused, asking, “I can’t stay here?” When informed she could not remain on airport property, she stated, “I’m not going anywhere; I’m going home!” She was then placed into custody for public intoxication, despite her resistance.

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Drunken airline passenger John Enloe jailed after causing scene at Nashville Airport

Airport Police responded to a disturbance at Gate C10 Thursday, where an American Airlines Pilot simply pointed at 44-year-old John Alexander Enloe, who he described as “the man in the red shirt.” Enloe, who was visibly intoxicated, told police he was actually the victim of an assault. He explained that another passenger continued to place their bags in what he considered to be a public walkway, and he continued to move them out of the walkway. The other passenger made contact with Enloe’s hand as it was on their suitcase, and Enloe claimed an assault.

Officers advised Enloe he could go to the magistrate’s office and swear out a warrant if he wished to prosecute for the perceived assault. Unhappy the police were not arresting his alleged assailant, Enloe began screaming and dramatically replaying the events leading up to the officers’ arrival. He was screaming at uninvolved flight crews and cursing with children present in the area. After he refused to calm down, Enloe was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

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Edgar Rodriguez charged with public intoxication at Nashville International Airport

Edgar Rodriguez was arrested early Saturday morning and charged with public intoxication at the Nashville International Airport. According to police, Edgar was found at the bottom level of the airport slumped over, asleep with an opened bottle of alcohol between his feet. Officers attempted to wake him multiple times, even threatening to tase him if he didn’t stand up. Once another officer arrived on the scene, he was taken into custody and transported to the Nashville Metro Jail for booking. When asked why he was at the airport, he simply stated, “drink.”

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Unlicensed Archangel Security Guard Anthony Sloan charged with drugs & gun at BNA

Airport Police made contact with 28-year-old Anthony Sloan, who was manning a controlled gate at an outside construction area of the Nashville International Airport for Archangel Protective Services. During the conversation, Sloan reportedly had a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle he was sitting in. Inside the vehicle, officers found 2.4 ounces (68 grams) of loose marijuana flower in the back seat within a large plastic bag which the officer believes was the type used to package marijuana by the pound. A handgun was located in a bag in the front seat, along with a scale. The Tennessee Department of Commerce says Sloan applied for an unarmed security guard’s license on September 15th, which was denied based on a material misstatement on his application.

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Matthew Cookston drank hand sanitizer on flight, touched a young girl, offered her tobacco

35-year-old Mathew Cookston reportedly was on an incoming flight to Nashville when multiple passengers reported he offered a minor female tobacco and then placed his hand on her inner thigh and moved it toward her groin. The victim immediately pushed his hand away and notified her mother and flight attendants, who moved the man to another seat. When the flight arrived at the gate, Airport Police made contact with the man, who was visibly intoxicated. He stated he had been in California at a drug & alcohol rehabilitation center but left early and flew home to Tennessee. When the crew refused to serve him alcohol on the plane, he drank hand sanitizer for the remainder of the flight. He was charged with public intoxication and released after an eight-hour hold with all charges dismissed.

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You’re too drunk to leave Nashville — Michelle Balke & James Balke arrested at airport

55-year-old Michelle Kay Balke & 60-year-old James Balke were attempting to fly out of Nashville late Monday; however, gate agents at the Nashville International airport denied boarding to both parties due to their extreme level of intoxication. The couple became verbally aggressive, with each one blaming the other for their predicament. Their argument causes a disturbance to airport operations and the gathering of people now watching. Airport police arrived, and they were asked to leave the property. As they were walking out, they again began yelling at each other, and after multiple attempts to calm the situation, both parties were taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Travis Heath deemed too drunk to function at the Nashville International Airport

Airport Police say 36-year-old passenger Travis Heath was observed to be extremely intoxicated at the Ole Red bar in concourse C at the Nashville International Airport just before 6 p.m. Saturday. Officers approached Heath and asked him for identification, but he had no idea where it was at. Despite attempts to arrange for someone to pick him up, Heath remained incoherent. Officers then loaded Heath into a wheelchair and transported him outside to ground transportation so he could take a cab off the airport property. Heath refused to get into a cab and urinated on himself. He was then taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking.

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Carlton Clemons found with 58 pounds of marijuana in luggage at Nashville Airport

35-year-old Carlton Michael Clemons is jailed on a $150,000 bond after Airport Police discovered 58 pounds of vacuum sealed marijuana in his luggage as he arrived from Denver on a Southwest Airlines flight just after 1:30 a.m. Friday. Officers say K-9 Power alerted to the large black Samsonite roller bag, which had a strong odor of marijuana. Clemons admitted to knowing what was in the bags and was placed into custody. Officers note he was “completely cooperative and compliant” during questioning, search, and arrest.

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John White drunk and disorderly at Nashville Airport, shouting about NFL teams

47-year-old John White was charged with public intoxication at the Nashville International Airport on November 6th at 5:30 a.m. after airport police were dispatched to the SouthWest ticket counter, where he was shouting profanities and yelling at multiple other customers. As officers arrived, White was shouting about NFL teams and smelled strongly of alcohol. It was determined that White did not even have a ticket to fly out on SouthWest. Officers attempted to get White a taxi, but he became increasingly agitated with officers. He was given a final choice to leave the property in a rideshare or go to jail. White was booked and charged with public intoxication.

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Krysta Swanson found drunk and half-clothed in Nashville Airport bathroom

25-year-old Krysta Swanson was found passed out in a bathroom stall at the Nashville International Airport Friday morning. Airport Police located her slumped over and halfway clothed, with all of her belonging scattered on the floor of the bathroom. Offices say she was difficult to wake and appeared extremely intoxicated with slurred speech and a strong odor of alcohol coming from her breath. She stated she believed she was in Maine and not Nashville. She was taken into custody for public intoxication and seen at Summit Hospital prior to booking after she slammed her head into the partition of the patrol car, causing a laceration to her forehead.

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Jordan Higgins smashes ex-wife’s windshield when she picks him up at airport

When 44-year-old Jordan Higgins was picked up by his ex-wife at the Nashville International Airport on October 18th, the pair argued and were immediately disagreeable. Jordan became so upset he struck the windshield of Olivia’s car, breaking it, and injuring his hand. The two then continued their journey back to their shared residence in Murfreesboro but only got to Donelson Pike and Airport Center Drive before they were involved in an automobile crash. As officers inquired about the broken windshield, Jordan admitted to smashing it, and stated he’d “rather hurt something material than his wife.”

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Robert Dillon pepper sprayed & arrested after trying to break into his apartment building while intoxicated

30-year-old Robert Dillon is charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication after he attempted to “bust the door open” to his downtown Nashville apartment building and was pepper-sprayed by security. He was reportedly attempting to get into an inner door leading to the residences when a guard says she told him to stop trying to break through the door, and he became irate. She says he yelled at her, took a fighting stance, and took a swing at her. Fearing for her safety, she pepper sprayed the resident. She says he then fell to the ground and began hitting his own head on a ramp causing his nose to bleed. Officers arrived and say he smelled of alcohol and took him into custody. Dillon has frequently opined about the digital key system not working at the building and often posted photographs of the rooms full of trash in the complex.

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Robert Harris charged with smashing pregnant girlfriend’s face into dashboard during argument

28-year-old Robert Harris was charged with domestic assault early Tuesday morning after his girlfriend disclosed to police that Robert had slammed her face into the dashboard of his vehicle during an argument and then strangled her while pushing her against the passenger seat. The victim, Ivy Shoults, who is also pregnant, refused all medical assistance and seemed only to suffer injuries to her lip, which was busted and bleeding. Officers became aware of the couple as their vehicle was parked in the grass near Donelson Pike and Murfreesboro Road and conducted a welfare check. Harrs refused to answer any questions and was taken into custody.

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Local woman Sharan Miles declared drunk & disorderly inside Nashville Airport

Airport Police responded to the ‘True to Tennessee’ retail store inside the Nashville International Airport on August 30th for a welfare check. Officers arrived and were directed to Tootsie’s bar, where they found 48-year-old Shara Ann Miles sitting inside. She was identified as the woman who had been staggering through the retail store and reeked of alcohol and became belligerent with the officer while yelling and loudly cursing inside the bar. Due to her behavior and inability to care for herself, Miles was charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

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Alyson Smith jailed after drunken fiasco at Nashville International Airport

26-year-old Alyson Smith was jailed Friday night after she became irate at the Nashville International Airport. She initially approached airport police around 8 p.m. while reeking of alcohol and barely able to stand on her own. She explained her fight had been delayed and he had been drinking and needed a refund. Officer Pallan escorted her to the ticket counter, which was given to her by the American Airlines agent, despite her being obnoxiously loud and cursing during the entire interaction. She was then escorted to pick up her luggage, only to find out that it was already on the plane, so it would have to be sent back and picked up at a later time. This upset Smith even more, and she now demanded to be re-booked, which was denied to her extreme intoxication. She became belligerent and abusive and was placed into custody for public intoxication.

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Debra Terrell, airport drunk: “I can’t take a taxi, I ONLY take black cars” #NotTodayKaren

Airport Police were dispatched to the South TSA security checkout Sundayfter afternoon, where they found 63-year-old Debra Lore (Pisciotta)Terrell who was heavily intoxicated, reeked of alcohol, shaking, and generally unable to function at the checkpoint without assistance. She informed Airport Police she upset with TSA as they were taking too long to screen her. Soon after, a Southwest manager informed her she would not be flying with them today due to her level of intoxication, and her flight was rescheduled for the next day, however Debra became enraged and demanded a refund instead, stating that her travel agent handles all of her bookings and Southwest obliged.

With no travel plan, no tickets, and no way she could fly that drunk, she was told to leave the airport. Officers offered her a cab to a nearby hotel so she could make arrangements with her travel agent; however, she refused all efforts, stating: “I only take black cars!” It turns out she also takes blue and white cars, with light bars and cages, which was her transportation to downtown booking, where she spent the next eight hours making friends with the locals until she sobered up.

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Disorderly passenger Sarah Silva refuses to exit plane, begins to strip off clothing in airport

An aircraft departing Nashville International Airport had to return to the gate after 34-year-old Sarah Silva had become disruptive on the plane prior to take-off. When she refused to exit the plane voluntarily, it was announced that all other passengers would have to deboard the plane instead. All other passengers then began yelling and screaming for Silva to get off the plane, and faced with hundreds of angry people she decided to exit willingly. Once in the concourse of the airport she untied her dress and began exposing herself to passengers and employees and pulling away from officers who were attempting to restrain her. An airport officer had to pull a taser to convince her to comply with commands.

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Sean Stein refuses to exit plane when denied travel due to his extreme 4 p.m. drunkenness

35-year-old Sean Stein and a female were both denied boarding at the Nashville International Airport Monday afternoon due to their extreme level of intoxication at 4:25 p.m. Stein became aggressive with the flight crew when they advised he needed to exit the aircraft. He then became irate with officers who came to assist him off the aircraft.

He continued to refuse and was handcuffed while pulling away, resisting arrest.

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Dominique Raee Triste steals $1640 at airport after Bonarroo; Her prison purse was plentiful

Traveler Jessica Ross left her red handbag containing $1,640 in the baggage claim area near the British Airways sign at the Nashville International Airport Sunday. After a review of video footage, Airport police determined that 23-year-old Dominique Triste took the cash from the bag, and gave it to her male travel companion, who she had just met at Bonnaroo this weekend, to hold onto. When police found the missing cash she asked if they just wanted to “take it” and not be any further problems? She was taken into custody, and once at booking, a plastic “drug bag” containing a white powder was found in her “prison purse” and retrieved from inside her body cavity.

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Matt Slater refuses to leave airport when deemed too drunk to fly American Airlines — BNA

Nashville Airport Police responded to American Airlines C15 Gate area Sunday after 35-year-old Matthew Slater was denied boarding due to his extreme level of intoxication. Officers attempted to explain he would simply be rebooked for the following morning and escort him outside of the secure area of the airport so he could arrange for somewhere to stay for the evening. Slater became increasingly upset he would not make his scheduled flight and refused to leave the secured area of the airport. He was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication. Slater later posted on social media to his friends: “After SEVERAL delays, Massive problems and a night in an airport, finally making it to Chicago”.

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