Two arrested after Blank Street Brawl —Aerius Collier & Donisha Eddings

27-year-old Aerius Collier and 23-year-old Donisha Eddings were taken into custody after fleeing a fight near Blank & Herman Streets Wednesday night. Two guns were recovered from the vehicle. Eddings’ infant son was in an unsecured child carrier in the backseat. The infant, who was not injured, has been placed with a family member. The Department of Children’s Services was also notified.

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Man pulls gun on girlfriend when phone rings at 3 a.m. — Ralph Frierson arrested

In mid-January, Octavia Evans says she was sleeping at her boyfriend’s house on Bank Street when her phone rang a 3:40 a.m. from a female friend. Her boyfriend, 29-year-old Ralph Frierson, heard her talking and reportedly came into the room demanding to know who she was speaking to, convinced it was another man. She says she explained it was one of her girlfriends, but he pulled out a black handgun and threatened to kill her if she didn’t immediately leave his home. She says as she was grabbing her things he placed the gun to her head and told her to exit via the rear door.

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Man sprays boyfriend with bear mace & rams his car with him inside #BearMaceBandit

The #BearMaceBandit strikes again, this time police say he sprayed his boyfriend with the powerful irritant during an argument last August in the middle of the pandemic. Police say Masi Kingston, 29, used the spray that’s 3x the power of police issued spray and travels 35 feet, on his boyfriend before driving a vehicle into his boyfriend’s vehicle, while he was inside it. Police found the victim with broken glass on his eye and nose, blood on his shirt, and drenched in milk, from an attempt to ease the pain of the bear mace.

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