Man bangs on apartment windows to find owner of car illegally parked in bicycle lane at 5 AM — Daniel McClanahan

26-year-old Danny McClanahan encountered a vehicle illegally parked in a permanent and highly visible bicycle lane at 5 AM in East Nashville Sunday morning. He began to bang on the nearby windows to have the person move their illegally parked automobile so it was safe for cyclists to pass. For his trouble, Metro Nashville police determined he was intoxicated and placed him under arrest, for which he resisted. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Man crashes bicycle after 4 shots of alcohol

26-year-old Trevor Hill told police he had “four shots” before crashing his bicycle on the sidewalk, chipping his tooth, injuring his face, and being found too drunk to be in public. #Arrested

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DUI Arrest: Woman passed out in car while parked in bike lane #EastNashville

Metro Police responded to call of a woman passed out behind the wheel of her car while parked in a bicycle lane on Tuesday afternoon. Erin Knoerr was charged with DUI, driving on a revoked license, and violation of the implied consent law.

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