Metro Council member Bob Mendes struck by van while bicycling in West Nashville

Metro Council member-At-Large Bob Mendes was struck by a vehicle while riding his bicycle Tuesday morning at 51st & Charlotte Ave. Mendes posted on social media shortly after the accident, stating “In the bike lane…slow enough speed where it looks like a scraped knee and an adrenaline dump might be the worst of it for me. Not sure about the bike yet.” #developing

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Man bangs on apartment windows to find owner of car illegally parked in bicycle lane at 5 AM — Daniel McClanahan

26-year-old Danny McClanahan encountered a vehicle illegally parked in a permanent and highly visible bicycle lane at 5 AM in East Nashville Sunday morning. He began to bang on the nearby windows to have the person move their illegally parked automobile so it was safe for cyclists to pass. For his trouble, Metro Nashville police determined he was intoxicated and placed him under arrest, for which he resisted. He is free on pre-trial release.

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