Joshua Donn Rode punches MNPD Lieutenant in face during public intox arrest in downtown Nashville

32-year-old Pennsylvania tourist Joshua Rode is free on a $4,000 bond after his night on Broadway went wildly out of control. Officers working the Downtown Entertainment District Initiative noticed Rode stumbling in front of 317 Broadway, extremely intoxicated, and unable to care for himself. They attempted to determine where he was going for the evening and assist him to a rideshare or hotel, however, the tourist became combative and stated “just take me to jail!” With no other options, officers were taking him into custody for public intoxication when Rode suddenly pulled away from the grasp of officers, balled up his fist, and landed a punch square in the face of Lieutenant Benjamin Rodgers

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Woman charged with downtown DUI says she had a “single drink at work before leaving — Catherine Friend

25-year-old Catherine Friend is charged with DUI after driving on KVB at 1st Ave. South in downtown Nashville with a damaged front tire. Police made contact with her and noticed immediate signs of intoxication. She admitted to having ‘a single drink’ before leaving her job, and was transported to booking after a stop at Metro General for a blood draw, to which she consented. She is free on pre-trial release.

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