Bengals fan punches stadium security guard in the face — Keith Collins arrested

Bengals fan Keith Collins was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday after he and another fan were in a verbal altercation in a parking area, and when Apex Security Guard Roberty Wiley attempted to de-escalate the situation, Collins punched him in the face.

Officers attempted to issue him a state citation, however, he refused to sign it so he was taken into custody.

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Titans Superfan wipes his hands on another man’s face in the restroom at Nissan Stadium — Preston Weatherby

Metro Nashville Police say 23-year-old Preston Blake Weatherby attempted to cut the line for the men’s restroom near section 321 at Nissan Stadium Saturday during the Titans playoff game. When another fan confronted him about it once they had been inside the restroom, he reportedly wiped his hands across the face of the other man in an attempt to escalate the situation.
Weatherby posted a $200 cash bond.

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