DUI: Ryan Taugher claims he’s just waiting on his Chipolte, police say he’s too drunk to drive

28-year-old Ryan Taugher was driving a blue Mercedes in North Nashville Friday and parked at the Chipotle on Rosa L. Parks Blvd when police encountered the vehicle, parked partially in the striped handicapped area. Officers approached the car and Taugher stated he was waiting for his order. He admitted to drinking “3 or 4 mimosas” earlier, and police say he reeked of alcohol. He refused all testing and was transported to booking, charged with DUI.

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Patton Punch: Asyriah Eubanks punches boyfriend in face at Belmont’s Patton Hall Dorms, upset over phone messages

18-year-old Belmont University student Asyriah Eubanks was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail overnight after multiple calls from other students in the Patton Hall dorm resulted in campus security responding to a ruckus on the 3rd floor. Eubanks admits that she punched her boyfriend, Derick Staples, in the face, which left a scratch below his eye. She had reportedly noticed messages between Derick and another female on his phone, and he was attempting to explain what the conversation was about, however, she no longer wanted to speak on the matter. Staples reportedly followed her to the 3rd floor, where she resides, at which point she punched him in the face with a closed fist while he was still speaking. Security detained both parties until police arrived. Eubanks posted a $1,000 cash bond.

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Belmont’s Potter Hall Brawl — Aidan Murphy charged in assault of roommate on campus

19-year-old Aidan Murphy was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Monday, charged with the domestic assault of his college roommate, Ryan Fleming, at Belmont University. He reportedly pushed his roommate into a heating unit and punched him in the face at least twice, causing injuries after Fleming reportedly made comments about his mental health when Murphy accused him of taking a backpack.

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