Belle Meade DUI: Eric Grimsley believed he was in Sumner County

34-year-old Eric Grimsley was charged with DUI late Saturday night after he was initially pulled over for a broken headlight and swerving on the roadway. As Officer Hayley Doty approached the vehicle and spoke with Grimsley, she smelled alcohol and noted his slurred speech. He became argumentative during field sobriety tests and eventually refused to complete them. Despite the traffic stop occurring in Belle Meade, Grimsley stated he believed he was in Sumner County.

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Brittany Cline charged with DUI in Belle Meade — White Claws & Modello Tallboy open in vehicle

30-year-old Brittany Nicole Cline was stopped by Belle Meade Police just after 1 a.m. Friday due to an expired tag on her vehicle. As Officer Haley Doty spoke with Cline during the traffic stop, she could smell alcohol coming from Cline’s breath and noticed a Modelo tallboy in the center cup holder and 4 empty White Claw cans along with a variety pack of unopened cans. Cline performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was unable to provide a proper sample for a breathalyzer, despite three attempts. She was charged with DUI and transported to booking.

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Dustin Dunham was running naked in the city; Elizabeth Carson says not in her neighborhood!

Elizabeth Lyall Carson called police in a tizzy Tuesday, stating that a “homeless man on drugs and with mental issues” was running naked on the sidewalk near Hillwood High School around 6 p.m. We’re not sure why she believed the man, identified as 35-year-old Dustin Dunham, had mental health issues, was homeless, or was on drugs, but she was adamant about it to police and in dozens of social media comments after she posted his naked photo online. In fact, she says when she drove back by a few minutes later, he was wearing shorts and shoes. When police arrived, he was clothed, so Elizbeth had to become the private prosecutor on the case, and he was charged with indecent exposure. We’re told Carson was “excited and proud” to swear out the warrant on the man, as she shared her adventure to her friends on social media, which includes nearly every judge, politician, and Belle Meade resident in the city.

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Three teens claim “a guy in the parking lot” gave them cocaine. Also: Fake IDs, a cow’s head, weed, and Tin Roof owner’s son.

Jack Sheer (19), Cade Kark (18), and Andrew Chung (18), were all jailed Wednesday after a traffic stop led Belle Meade Police to discover multiple fake IDs, a cow’s head with liquor bottles and a bong inside, rolled up dollar bills, and baggies and baggies of cocaine. The boys claimed “some guy gave them the cocaine in the parking lot”. One of the teens is the son of Jason Sheer, owner of the Tin Roof Nashville.

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Belle Meade Millionaire Mother charged with pushing son out front door #assault

51-year-old Victoria Lynn King was taken into custody by Belle Meade Police Sergeant David Wright Wednesday evening after her son called to tell police she pushed him out the front door of her $2.9 million estate, causing him to fall onto the front porch and scratch his right knee and shin.

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DUI Arrest: “Sir, say your ABC’s from C to R”.. Him: “A,B,C.”

..Officer Roark then conducted field sobriety tests, during which he asked Andrews to say his ABC’s from C to R. Andrews simply replied “A, B, C.” and stopped. An arrest report states Andrews failed multiple other field sobriety tests and agreed to take a breathalyzer test. His first result was a 0.18, the second result was a 0.20, and for the third test, he spit into the tube.

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Police arrest man on drug charges, find ledger naming all his customers

Police arrested Jamie White Monday: in the trailer was a drug ledger with ‘Jamie White’ written at the top and a list of people who he has sold drugs to, in addition to loaded 20 gauge shotgun with the barrel sawed off shorter than 18 inches, a loaded 9 mm pistol, digital scales with residue, a spoon with white residue, and a baggie of pill capsules. 

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Double-Murder Suicide in Senior Living Neighborhood on Cana Circle near Belle Meade.

Gail Andrews-Miller, 65, had driven to Cana Circle near Belle Meade, a senior-only residence, shared by her sister and mother, Rachel Andrews, 97, & Barbara Andrews, 69. She brought a 5-shot revolver with her, leaving her holster at her home on Sneed Rd. She walked to the rear of the home, to the TV room, and opened fire on her mother and sister, shooting them both in the chest. She then turned the gun on herself.

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Man Arrested for Outstanding DUI Warrant After Fleeing From 2nd Crash in 2 Weeks

Matthew Giger, 23, was arrested on Sunday for an outstanding DUI warrant from a September 1st crash, after he had a brand new crash yesterday, and fled the scene, pretending he was never in an accident.

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