BNA: Brianna Cosby denied boarding, assaults boyfriend and police officer

Airport Police say 31-year-old Brianna Cosby was denied boarding a flight at the Nashville International Airport on February 12 due to her level of intoxication. She then began to push and hit her boyfriend, Kelso Griffin, who was holding on to her from behind and attempting to calm her down when officers arrived at the gate. She refused to calm down and was too intoxicated to care for herself, so she was placed into custody for public intoxication and domestic assault. After being placed into handcuffs, she reportedly kicked Officer Wisarut Sinchai in the leg twice.

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Nasvhille Barber & #615BikeLife OG Andre Gills (Greedy615) indicted on rape charges — $50K Bond

A Davidson County Grand Jury has indicted 34 -year-old Andre Gills on 2 counts of rape and 2 counts of aggravated statutory rape. The two incidents occurred in 2019 on June 5th and August 19th. Counts 1 & 2 allege Gills committed rape by fraud, as defined by TCA, and counts 3 & 4 allege Gills committed the aggravated statutory rape of someone who was both under the age of 18, and at least 10 years younger than himself. Gills is free on a $50,000 bond. Gills has prior convictions for domestic assault, possession of a weapon with a DV conviction, accessory to aggravated robbery, and multiple probation violations. Gills is a barber in Nashville who operates under the name of ‘GreedyCutz’ and uses the name ‘Greedy615’ across social media.

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