APSU Lab Manager Ronald Palmer caught masturbating in office by student

52-year-old APSU Chemistry Lab Manager Ronald Palmer was jailed Friday after a student said she walked in on him masturbating in his office with the door open to the hallway. Police made contact with Palmer, who refused to answer any questions. The student alerted another Chemistry to the incident, and she called campus police. The student says Palmer was reclined back in his chair with his head back, eyes closed, and aggressively pleasuring himself with his right hand.

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Clarksville Financial Advisor Robert Kennedy charged in $10,000 cash theft from his lover

52-year-old Clarksville Financial Advisor Robert Kennedy was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail just before daylight Tuesday, charged with felony theft. Court records allege he stole $10,000 in cash from his ex-girlfriend, Heidi Blessing, which she had recently withdrawn from the bank for an upcoming surgery. The lovers had been celebrating Robert’s birthday at her apartment and were reportedly intoxicated when they got into an argument. She placed the cash inside a gold makeup bag that night and says he absconded with the cash the next morning. Police say security cameras show no one else entering or exiting the residence during the time the cash disappeared. Robert Kennedy is the son of Reber and Opal Kennedy, of Clarksville.

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