Michael Lucero punches security guard in face in effort to get backstage at Ryman Auditorium

54-year-old Michael Lucero was intoxicated in front of the Ryman Auditorium in downtown Nashville late Wednesday night and advised security he had a pass to go backstage. It was explained to him he would have to wait for someone from the band to come up and get him. Lucero became upset and pushed the victim, Edward Perry, to enter the location. He thing punched the victim in the face, leaving him with a bloody nose. During questioning, Lucero stated that he “whooped his ass.”

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Cory Campbell: drunk and disorderly at Jason Aldean’s bar in Nashville

Metro Nashville Police responded to Jason Aldean’s bar in downtown Nashville in the early hours Sunday morning after staff reported 26-year-old Cory Robert Campbell assaulted an employee. Though the employee wasn’t able to immediately go to night court to prosecute for the simple assault, Campbell was observed by police to be heavily intoxicated. He was given an opportunity to have his friends take care of him, but after a period of time, he stated they were not coming. Unable to care for himself, Campbell was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Keosha Ferguson charged in assault of WeGo Transit bus driver

20-year-old Keosha Ferguson approached a WeGo Transit bus driven by Thurman Vaught, Jr., in North Nashville on the morning of October 19th when it was 34 degrees outside and beat on the windows, demanding to be let inside. The driver explained he was on a 12-minute layover and that the bus would be available to the public again shortly. Vaught refused to let her on the bus during this period. Ferguson pleaded and stated she was going to be late for work and that she wanted to get on the bus. She then pushed past Vaught, shoulder-checking him. She then reportedly stated, “I will fuck you up!” As the confrontation continued, Ferguson says she kicked him in his right leg. When he advised police were on the way, Ferguson stated, “Wait till police get here, and I will show off!” She was cited for assault and was booked on that citation this week.

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Eries Banks charged in assault at Rivergate Marathon

Albens Polynice says he was inside the Marathon gas station on Rivergate Parkway paying for his purchase when 23-year-old Eries Banks came in and began punching him and yelling at him in a surprise attack. Banks is the cousin of Polynice’s girlfriend. Polynice says the incident stemmed from an earlier situation between himself and Banks’ mother. The fight transitioned to the parking lot, and the victim sustained injuries to his left arm, leg, and a head injury.

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Zyshonn Burleson charged in assault of bouncer at Play Dance Bar in Nashville

22-year-old Zyshonn Burleson is charged with the assault of a bouncer at Play Dance Bar on Church Street in Nashville who refused to let him enter a closed portion of the venue. Jelani Kimber says as the club was closing early Saturday morning, parts of the club were blocked off to move people to the front of the club. Kimber was holding his arm out to let patrons know they could not enter this particular area when Burleson approached and began to call him names and used his hand to push the bouncer in the face, causing him to fall backward. Kimber then detained Burleson until police arrived.

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James Davis charged after following & punching woman in face in downtown Nashville

Police met with Kasey Brill late Saturday night in downtown Nashville as she was crying and holding the left side of her face. She told officers a man, identified as 56-year-old James Davis of Franklin, TN, had been following her friend group around the bars and kept staring at her as she was in line to buy hot dogs. That was when she confronted Davis and asked, “is everything alright, or is there a problem?” Davis reportedly replied, “what the fuck?” and as she turned to walk away, Davis punched her in her left eye, knocking her to the ground. Brill’s father assisted in detaining Davis and reportedly punched him in the face during the incident involving his daughter.

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Tywansha Perkins charged in assault of Metro School bus driver

Video from a MNPS bus shows 36-year-old Tywansha Yvette Perkins waited for her child’s bus to drop him off and then entered the bus before any children could exit. She got in the face of the bus driver, put a finger in the driver’s face, and yelled, “Imma f*-k you up!” and continued to yell and curse and escalate the situation while the driver remained calm but afraid. The children exited around Perkins, and she then left the bus, too. Perkins was reportedly up prior video footage from the school bus proved that her son was not telling the truth when he told her the school bus driver assaulted him by shoving him and slapping candy from his hand. A judge released her on her own recognizance.

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Newton ‘NJ’ Ford calls concierge a b*tch, and a bystander a ‘midget’ during Skyhouse confrontation

Police say 36-year-old Newton ‘NJ’ Ford attempted to get into the SkyHouse apartments tower when the concierge stopped him as he was not a resident had didn’t have any authorization to be there. This resulted in Ford hurling obscenities at the concierge, such as “b**ch,” and stating he would spit in her face if it weren’t illegal. While police were there, Ford had reentered the lobby with a resident and continued where he left off with the verbal assault on the concierge. A bystander in the lobby, David Malinosky, had identified Ford, to which he replied “I’ll fight you, midget!” — Officers noted Ford was only three inches taller than the bystander. He then pumped out his chest in a laughable attempt to intimidate the bystander. He was also in possession of 4 grams of marijuana at the time of his arrest.

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Brad Biwer charged after woman says he punched her and touched her without consent

Anne Maus was at a house party where her boyfriend was performing in December of 2017, where she says she was dancing when 28-year-old Bradley Biwer rubbed up against her back. She says she told him to stop, and she continued dancing when only moments later, Biwer returned from behind and grabbed her wrist. She says she once again told him to leave her alone, and that request was met with a punch from his fist to her face. Biwer fled the scene, and a warrant was later issued for his arrest after she identified him from a photo line-up. Biwer was booked on the outstanding charge this week.

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Jahya Maxwell attempted to rob Rivergate 7-Eleven, ended up throwing donuts around the store

Police say 18-year-old Jahya Maxwell came to the 7-Eleven on Long Hollow Pike, where she is no longer employed, and attempted to get into the cash register. She pushed two current employees, Reade Herskovitz and Shellie Vickers, and assaulted him. When she was unable to get into the cash register, she threw a cup of water at Herskovitz and knocked over a chip rack. In a final act of frustration, Maxwell emptied the donuts from the donut case and threw them around the store.

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Cawana Miller charged after slapping her mother at a Greyhound bus station

45-year-old Cawana Miller is charged with assaulting her mother at a Nashville Greyhound bus station. The victim, Rhonda Miller, explained her daughter became upset when the Greyhound staff refused to issue her a refund for an unused ticket, and when she attempted to help explain why and calm her down, Cawana slapped her mother in the face. As police were investigating the situation, Cawana had to be restrained as she continued to fight with her mother, including grabbing and removing the hat she was wearing.

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Tourist John Gach assaults rooftop bar server by licking her without consent

57-year-old John Gach, who was visiting Nashville from Connecticut, is charged with assault after he suddenly and without consent licked the hand of his server at the L.A. Jackson bar on the rooftop of the Thompson Hotel downtown. The victim, Crystal, told police she had come to the table where he was holding out his hand, and when she held out her hand while attempting to determine what he needed, he suddenly licked her. Gach says he doesn’t recall what happened; however, his wife stated that he likes to “joke around” and asked if they could apologize to the victim. Security had escorted him from the bar to his hotel room, which is where police charged him with assault.

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Alec Kolar charged with assaulting security guard while stealing liquor from downtown bar

DCSO employee Robert Runnels was working security at a downtown bar when he says he observed 24-year-old Alec Kolar from Wisconsin attempting to steal two bottles of Whiskey from the 2nd-floor bar. Kolar made it to the staircase with the bottles, where Runnels took them away from him. He attempted to stop Kolar from fleeing but was unable to detain him and says Kolar pushed him. Actual police officers were notified, and they were able to follow Kokar over the pedestrian bridge, where he was taken into custody. Kolar was reportedly intoxicated, slurring his speech, very irate, and making threats against transporting officers. Runnells signed the warrant as a private citizen prosecutor on the assault, and Metro prosecuted on the theft and public intoxication. Kolar is free on pre-trial release.

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Tarrell Grant charged in bloody assault of girlfriend, told police “nothing happened”

Witnesses called police after observing Sydney Medders running through a Nashville apartment complex screaming for help while being kicked by her boyfriend, 25-year-old Tarrell Grant. She was able to hide in a neighbor’s apartment until officers arrived at the scene. Officers found her with multiple injuries, including a bloody nose where she had been pushed into a wall, abrasions, and blood on her shirt. She did not want to prosecute for the domestic violence, and Grant told police “nothing happened.” Due to the circumstances, the relationship, and the history of domestic violence, officers prosecuted on her behalf and took Tarrell Grant into custody.

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Asrorkhon Sultankanov charged after spitting on teen in Walmart parking lot rage incident

A 16-year-old Walmart employee says 41-year-old Asrorkhon Sultankanov punched his vehicle and spat on him twice in the Walmart parking lot after he nearly collided with the teen’s vehicle as he barrelled through the parking lot. As the supposed adult nearly caused the collision as the teen was backing out of a parking spot, Sultankanov then exited his vehicle to confront the teen, who says the man then spat on him twice and punched his car in a fit of rage. The incident was observed on the store’s security cameras.

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Matt Visser charged in assault of Play Dance Bar Bouncer: smashed his glasses & destroyed them

31-year-old Matt Visser is charged with assault and vandalism after he reportedly “snatched the glasses from the head” bouncer Jelani Kimber at Play Dance Bar early Sunday morning. Kimber says the man then twisted his glasses until they were broken, shattered, and missing pieces. The assault came after Visser was asked to leave due to his level of intoxication and behavior inside the bar. Earlier on social media, Visser had commented on how LGBT bars were becoming “zoos for bachelorette parties.”

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Tinder date with George Stoddard goes terribly wrong in downtown Nashville

Allison Merriman says she was on a Tinder date late Monday night in downtown Nashville with 52-year-old George Stoddard, and it was their first time meeting in person since finding each other on the app. After a night of being at the bars on Broadway, they shared an Uber back to the Staybridge Suites hotel, where she and some friends were staying while in town this weekend, and where he had left his car parked. During the short ride 1.5 mile ride, she says Stoddard became agitated and jealous, believing she was flirting with the rideshare driver. Once they arrived at the hotel, Stoddard began to physically fight both her and the driver, punching her in the face, and dislocating her pinky finger. One of her friends, who was also staying at the hotel, came downstairs and attempted to break up the fight and kneed and punched Stoddard multiple times until he attempted to flee. As Stoddard got into his own car, he crashed into another vehicle in the parking lot during his attempt to flee the scene. He was charged with both assault and DUI.

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