Andrei Gavaz pulls it out and touches it at Kid Rock’s Bar on Valentine’s Day

Police say 24-year-old Andrei Gavaz unzipped his pants and whipped out his most prized possession at Kid Rock’s Bar on Valentine’s Day. He then thoroughly touched himself and then, using that same hand, smacked the face of a bouncer who had escorted him out of the venue due to his level of intoxication. He was attempting to re-enter the bar when the assault occurred. The bouncer, Shay Thomas, fell to the ground and suffered cuts to both elbows and his knuckle while attempting to detain Gavaz.

Police arrived to find Gavaz cuffed, and as they were placing him in the rear of a patrol car, he had to be hobble-restrained as he attempted to kick Officer Hill in the face, but no contact was made. He was still charged with assault of an officer, as Officer Hill stated he “felt as if he was about to be assaulted.” He then began to spit all over the rear of the patrol vehicle, resulting in an additional vandalism charge.

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Tatiana Maldonado free on pre-trial release after assaulting Nashville Police Officer

22-year-old Tatiana Maldonado is free on pre-trial release after police say she punched MNPD Officer Peyton Wheatley in the back of the head multiple times in the early hours of Saturday morning. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative responded to a fight call in downtown Nashville and made contact with Tatiana and her boyfriend, who was in a fight with others. As officers attempted to break up the altercation, the parties were not complying with commands. As Officer Wheatley was attempting to detain her boyfriend, Tatiana struck the officer in the back of the head multiple times. Officer Dennis Diesel took her into custody, and she was charged with assault of an officer.

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Titans Superfan Matthew Mattax headbutts cops, spits on them, after being ejected from game

26-year-old Titans Superfan Matthew Mattax was ejected from Sunday’s game due to “unruly behavior” and his level of intoxication. As he was escorted to the gates, Mattax began to yell and scream, causing MNPD officers to take notice of him. Due to his continued behavior, officers decided to take him into custody for public intoxication, but Mattax pulled away and refused to comply with the arrest. He headbutted Officer Sharpe and spit in his face before he could be fully restrained. Once at the jail, Mattax again began to spit on officers, hitting Officer Malone with his saliva multiple times and Officer Studer three times before he was “guided to a bench” in holding.

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A throuple wasn’t enough for Kaylum Futrell; he cheated with another person & it got wild

21-year-old Kaylum K. Futrell has been in a throuple relationship with both Carisa Murrell and Keyonia Stewart, and on Thursday they were all three at Stewart’s apartment, along with other friends. Someone at the gathering informed the two women that Kaylum just wasn’t satisfied with dating two women at the same time and had been cheating on them with a third, which he confirmed. The two women announced they were ending their relationship with him, and the throuple erupted into an altercation. Kaylum pushed Stewart out of her own apartment; he later stated it was so he wouldn’t hurt her.

A neighbor, Crystal Evans, heard the commotion and announced she was calling police. Kaylum then reportedly opened the door and assaulted Evans and her juvenile children, who were all outside. He then grabbed the branch of a tree and attempted to damage her vehicle, and then turned the branch on Evans, assaulting her with it, striking her in the head. During his arrest, Futrell spat on an officer.

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Tristan Rowell pushes MNPD officer in chest at Kid Rock’s Bar — $250 bond

28-year-old Tristan Nicole Rowell approached Metro Nashville Police Officers who were assisting another citizen with a minor facial injury at Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning. She was shouting at officers and causing a disturbance to the general public and other patrons. She was extremely intoxicated, and when officers attempted to de-escalate the situation, she continued to scream at them, then used her hands to push Officer Yore in the chest.

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Carrie Lierl goes wild at Nashville International Airport

31-year-old Caroline Suzanne Lierl was at the Nashville International Airport late Saturday night when employees observed her to be extremely intoxicated and contacted Airport police. Lierl claimed she was on a flight to Cincinnati at 7:17, but no such flight could be found, and she did not have a boarding pass. She was asked to leave the area and go about her evening; however, she refused and became a disturbance to airport operations. As officers took her into custody for public intoxication, Lierl kicked Officer Tomlin and Sgt. Berens multiple times and attempted to flee the scene to avoid arrest.

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Jeshua Torrens charged after fighting outside Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Saturday encountered 26-year-old Jeshua Torrens as he was attempting to fight random people who were walking outside of Kid Rock’s Bar. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and appeared extremely intoxicated. As he was being arrested for public intoxication, Torrens balled up his fist and attempted to punch Officer Cottrill and then tensed up his body and used his legs to resist being placed in the back of a patrol car.

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Nevaeh Wilson jailed on $26K bond after spitting on Nashville Cop

22-year-old Nevaeh Wilson was jailed on a $26,000 bond Sunday after Metro Nashville Police say she spat in the face of an officer who was buckling her into the patrol car after an arrest for public intoxication. She initially approached officers who were speaking with a street vendor at 5th & Broadway and began to yell and scream. Officers noted her to be extremely intoxicated and placed her under arrest. After spitting on the officer who buckled her in, she refused to provide any identification or identifying information.

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Lauren Duke-Powers kicks an officer in his knee, and attempts to bite his thigh during struggle

Police responded to a domestic disturbance call on Muphy Road and as they were investigating, one of the involved parties, 23-year-old Lauren Duke-Powers, returned to the scene. As they began to interview her near the front walkway to the home, it became apparent she was extremely intoxicated, with her being unable to stand without swaying, and slurring her speech. She continued to curse and yell at the other involved parties. Officers advised her she was being detained while the domestic call was investigated, at which time she walked away toward the home and resisted when officers attempted to grab her arms to keep her away from the other parties. She then kicked Officer Meskers in his right knee, and as they took her to the ground in the prone position, she attempted to bite Officer Meskers’ right thigh.

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Matthew Charboneau charged after breaking MNPD Officer’s ankle in downtown fight

Metro Nashville Police responded to Rippy’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville on Saturday in response to 41-year-old Matthew Charboneau yelling and causing a scene with patrons on the sidewalk. Officer Kevin Clausius attempted to de-escalate the situation, however, Charboneau came at him aggressively and the two fought. Police say that during the fight, Charboneau broke the officer’s left ankle. Once he was cuffed, Charboneau then attempted to headbutt Officer Erickson. The officer was transported to Vanderbilt for his broken ankle.

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Intoxicated California man assaults Nashville officer at Nudie’s Honky Tonk — Ebrahim Parvizshahi

Metro Nashville Police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville located 35-year-old Ebrahim Parvizshahi outside of Nudie’s Honky tonk yelling and screaming at bouncers from the venue. An officer was already attempting to assist security with another patron when Parvizshahi inserted himself into that interaction by pushing the officer. As they attempted to take Parvizshahi into custody he attempted to flee and push his way through the crowd but was eventually taken into custody. It was later learned the other patron was his brother.

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Father & Son Tourists cause CODE 5000 #OfficerDown call on Broadway — Weston & William Kandarian

24-year-old Weston Kandarian says off-duty South Carthage Police Officer, Kenneth Thomas, who was working as security for Tootsie’s on Broadway, asked his father, 55-year-old William Kandarian, to leave the venue due to being disruptive and reportedly standing on barstools. Weston interjected and punched and attacked the off-duty officer, while his father, William, placed the officer-turned-bouncer into a chokehold until he lost consciousness. Weston claims the officer is the one who placed him in a headlock first and started the physical confrontation. The victim was transported to Vanderbilt for treatment. 

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NY Tourist Robert Mason screams “This is America!” before assaulting MNPD Officers: pre-trial release

22-year-old Robert Mason, of New York, is charged with the assault of two Metro Nashville Police Officers, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and resisting arrest after employees flagged down police for assistance as he was being kicked out of Scoreboard Bar & Grill. Refusing to let officers call a friend to help him leave on his own, he clenched his fists, took a fighting stance, and screamed “THIS IS AMERICA!”. Officers tackled him as he began to resist arrest. He Grabbed Officer Joshua McGarvey’s ring finger while twisting and clenching it, which caused an injury to his finger and a hyperextended knee from the fight. He also caused scratch injuries to Officer Snyder from his fingernails.

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Joshua Donn Rode punches MNPD Lieutenant in face during public intox arrest in downtown Nashville

32-year-old Pennsylvania tourist Joshua Rode is free on a $4,000 bond after his night on Broadway went wildly out of control. Officers working the Downtown Entertainment District Initiative noticed Rode stumbling in front of 317 Broadway, extremely intoxicated, and unable to care for himself. They attempted to determine where he was going for the evening and assist him to a rideshare or hotel, however, the tourist became combative and stated “just take me to jail!” With no other options, officers were taking him into custody for public intoxication when Rode suddenly pulled away from the grasp of officers, balled up his fist, and landed a punch square in the face of Lieutenant Benjamin Rodgers

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Intoxicated woman charged after spitting on police — Rebecca Wetherbee arrested

Police say 29-year-old Rebecca Wetherbee was being discharged from St. Thomas Midtown early Saturday after a brief visit and was causing a disturbance, refusing to leave. Officer offered to assist in getting her home, but she refused to tell them where she lived, and told them to”go f–k yourself”. Police determined she was still extremely intoxicated and since she refused to leave the property, she was taken into custody for criminal trespass. Wetherbee, however, wasn’t done. Once in the patrol car she began kicking the rear window, and spit on an officer who attempted to put her in hobble restraints.

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California Tourist punches cop in face after being kicked out of Kid Rock’s Bar — Connor Brink-Sawyer

Metro Nashville Police officers say they repeatedly pleaded with 24-year-old Connor Lee Brink-Sawyer to go on about his night after he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville for fighting inside the venue. Brink-Sawyer repeatedly tried to re-enter the bar and was extremely intoxicated. Despite attempts to let him walk away, he became aggressive toward officers, resulting in his initial arrest for public intoxication. As an officer began to take him into custody for a charge he would have walked away from after a sobering-up period, Brink-Sawyer began to swing his fists at officers, he landed a punch on the face of Officer Michael Jason Leon Hones.

Brink-Sawyer was transported to the Metro Nashville Jail, where he was charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and assault of an officer. Connor Brink-Sawyer, who is from Modesto, CA, is free on pre-trial release. Today is his 24th birthday.

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Oregon Tourist too drunk for Nashville on Christmas Eve — Brandon Bade arrested outside Rippy’s

27-year-old Oregon Tourist Brandon Bade was fighting with security outside of Rippy’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville on Christmas Eve as an onlooker flagged down police for assistance. Police Officer Christopher Cantrell says he used joint manipulation to subdue Bade, and once he was placed into handcuffs, appeared to be unconscious. The officer states he was going to let him go without charges, and called an ambulance to transport the unconscious man to the hospital, and uncuffed him so he could be loaded into the ambulance.

Moments later, Bade became conscious again and began to fight with the medics in the back of the ambulance, and attempted to bite one of them. Bade was re-cuffed and told he was under arrest. He then fought with the officer, who was now accompanying him on the ride to Metro General Hospital, and even landed a punch to the officer’s face, despite being cuffed. Bade was charged with assault, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Intoxicated Woman kicks officer who is removing her from downtown bar — Bethlehem Weimer arrested

26-year-old Bethlehem Weimer was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning after security at Tin Roof Broadway contacted police due to how unruly she was becoming inside the bar. She was refusing to leave, and officers after multiple warning, she was placed into custody by officers. As they attempted to cuff her, she pulled away and kicked Officer Dibernardo in the leg twice. She continued kicking and screaming once inside the cruiser and eventually had to be hobble restrained. She was transported to booking, charged with public intoxication, resisting arrest, and assault of an officer. She is free on a $3,500 bond.

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Alabama woman free on pre-trial release after spitting in MNPD officer’s eye — Sydney Warren

Nashville Police say 23-year-old Sydney Warren, of Alabama, spit into the eye of an officer who was attempting to arrest her this weekend during an altercation in Printers Alley in downtown Nashville. Charged with assault of an officer, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest, she is free on pre-trial release.

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