Nashville musician offers to f-*- Watertown Police Officer “in the booty” during rant after arrest — Arthur Robinson

45-year-old Arthur ‘Arty’ Robinson work at Paradise Park on his motorcycle, and by the time he reached Watertown city limits he was doing 73 in a 45 mph zone, which was the most exciting moment the tiny town of 1500’s police department had for the entire week. After officer Nick Deck made the arrest for DUI, Robinson decided to unleash a verbal assault on Officer Deck, offering to “f— you in the booty”, and detailing what a “sad b—-” the officer was. It’s so graphic, you’ll have to click for the details…

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77-year-old admits to pointing gun at husband of 54 years over missing painting

77-year-old Bobbie Peoples is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after police say she pointed a gun at her husband of 54 years and demanded to know what he did with the painting of a dog she was currently working on. The husband called the police to report he was afraid she would shoot him.

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