Fort Campbell’s Christopher Jones arrested after drunken traffic cone rage in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville encountered 32-year-old Christopher Benjamin Jones of Fort Campbell, KY, near 1st & Broadway. Officers watched Jones as he was in a “highly agitated state” while talking on the phone with his wife. They watched as he kicked a traffic cone across three lanes of traffic, with approximately twenty pedestrians nearby. He refused to listen to officers and admitted to drinking. Due to his highly intoxicated state, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Matt Visser charged in assault of Play Dance Bar Bouncer: smashed his glasses & destroyed them

31-year-old Matt Visser is charged with assault and vandalism after he reportedly “snatched the glasses from the head” bouncer Jelani Kimber at Play Dance Bar early Sunday morning. Kimber says the man then twisted his glasses until they were broken, shattered, and missing pieces. The assault came after Visser was asked to leave due to his level of intoxication and behavior inside the bar. Earlier on social media, Visser had commented on how LGBT bars were becoming “zoos for bachelorette parties.”

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Fort Campbell Soldier Hunter Fairweather kicks bouncer after Broadway Battle Buddy knocks him down

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville late Saturday night responded to a fight at Nudie’s Honky Tonk on Broadway. They encountered 22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Hunter Fairweather and his friend, Ironne Coley, who were in an argument with bouncers at the location. Fairweather reportedly kicked the bouncer, Deangelo Ridloy, after Coley knocked him to the ground. Officers documented injuries to the victim and watched a video of the assault.

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Fort Campbell Soldier Ironne Coley beats downtown bouncer at Nudie’s Honky Tonk

Late Saturday night, the top floor of Nudie’s Honky Tonk reached maximum capacity, and security staff positioned themselves at the bottom of the steps to prevent any more patrons from entering that level. As 24-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Ironne ‘Ron’ Coley attempted to go upstairs, he was stopped by bouncer Deangelo Ridloy, and the two began to argue and cause a large disturbance. Coley then punched the bouncer in the face, knocking him to the floor. Coley then jumped on top of the bouncer and began to beat him. Coley’s friend, fellow soldier Hunter Fairweather, then also assaulted the bouncer while he was down. Police observed a video of the assault and documented multiple injuries on the victim.

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Soldier Maxim Donaher too drunk to drive, a friend took his keys, so he punched the friend & his car

25-year-old U.S. Army Soldier Maxim Donaher was drinking at the Red Door Saloon on Division Street and became so intoxicated that his friend who worked there took his car keys from him. Near the end of the evening, Donaher demand his keys to leave the bar, and the friend urged him to check into the hotel next door as he was not sober enough to drive. When he realized his friend was not going to return his keys, he went outside and began punching the friend’s car. The friend attempted to restrain him, and a fight ensued, but Donaher was eventually restrained until police arrived. The friend didn’t want to prosecute for the assault or the vandalism, but did want him removed from the bar. Officers asked the soldier to take an Uber or get a hotel room, both of which were refused. An arrest warrant states “he told the responding officers to just take him to jail and we obliged.”

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DeQuenthney McGregor tased by bouncers after Broadway Brawl in downtown Nashville

26-year-old DeQuenthney McGregor was jailed after an early Sunday morning Broadway Brawl in downtown Nashville. Police say there was a large group of people fighting on the sidewalk in front of Nudie’s Honky tonk. While two women were brawling on the pavement, McGregor advised he had been tased in the back by bouncers, and still had a prong in his back which first responders removed for him, and he refused all other medical treatment.

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Soldier Sean Puzewski was found drunk & unconscious in downtown Nashville

28-year-old Sean Puzewski was located unresponsive and heavily intoxicated in front of Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative arrived to assist, along with medics from the Nashville Fire Department. He was already loaded onto the medic’s cot when he came to and began to unbuckle the safety straps and then refused any and all medical assistance. Due to his level of intoxication and inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Bryan Bosworth-Smith passes out in drive-thru for 25 minutes with handgun after smoking questionable marijuana

Police found 20-year-old Bryan Bosworth-Smith passed out in the driver’s seat of his vehicle at a McDonald’s drive-thru with a pistol in his right hand and his car in drive on Saturday. Officers attempted to immobilize the vehicle using their patrol cars and used a loudspeaker, lights, sirens, for over 25 minutes while knocking on his window until he finally woke up in a state of shock and panic – taking his foot off the brake and continuing to hold his weapon. Once they broke out the glass of his rear window he dropped the weapon and complied. He stated he had smoked marijuana which he had bought via a phone app prior to driving.

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Ft. Campbell soldier Alani Diaz slaps girlfriend into oven, calling her a slut & whore, per report

Caroline Minich says she was giving 24-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Alani Diaz a back rub when he confronted her and began to call her a “wh–e” and a “sl-t”, after having gone through her phone and noticed she had been communicating with other males. She retreated to the kitchen of the West Nashville apartment, and Diaz followed her, continuing to call her names. He then reportedly smacked her across the face with his open palm, sending her crashing into the oven. Police found her bleeding and bruised. Diaz fled the scene before police arrived.

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Woman charged with being AWOL from National Guard for 2 years — Marissa McDowell

26-year-old Marisa McDowell was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on December 30, on an outstanding warranting charging her with being AWOL (absent with out leave) from the Tennessee National Guard since January of 2020.

Prosecutors allege she never reported to required drills during the past 2 years and failed to respond to certified letters. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Man charged with public intox & resisting arrest on Vanderbilt Campus — Severin Dean Shultis

Vanderbilt University Police received a call regarding a person at the entrance of Medical Center East who was yelling and tossing items off a desk at the hospital entrance. 24-year-old Severin Shultis was located a short time later on campus and was identified as the person responsible for causing the scene. Police say he was extremely intoxicated and attempted to run around the officer who was placing him under arrest. He is charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest. Shultis is free on pre-trial release.

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Teenage soldier charged after drinking 6 beers & attempting to fight others in Broadway brawl — Brodie Harris

Metro Nasvhille Police charged 19-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Brodie Harris with underage consumption of alcohol, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct Saturday night as he was involved in a large brawl on Broadway in downtown Nashville. Harris was observed attempting to punch another person, was ordered to stop, but he continued to attempt to strike the other person, ignoring the commands of officers. Harris stated he had six beers and was “trying to defend his friend from getting jumped”. Harris was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail and is free on pre-trial release.

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Nashville’s Alex Wilhelm charged in brawl with roommate #DomesticAssault

30-year-old Alex Wilhelm reportedly shoved his roommate, Mitch Hoger, who was “screaming in his face”. He then spun him to the ground and punched him to “make the fight stop” according to court documents. Hoger suffered bruises and cuts to his face, which were documented by police. Wilhelm is free on a $1,500 bond, charged with domestic assault.

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Nashville Firefighter resigns amid underage sex allegations; Army is investigating

Benjamin Seth Powers has resigned from the Nashville Fire Department amid the publication of underage sex allegations from court records. He has since requested that the court suspend his child support payments since he no longer has any income. More recently, he is accused of running a vehicle off the road with a neighborhood child inside it, and now the U.S. Army Reserve has launched an investigation into his actions.

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