Ari Shukri jailed after sending ex-wife harassing text messages

Nazdar Taher says her ex-husband, 23-year-old Ari Shukri, continues to harass her via text messages despite bond conditions from an order of protection violation which state he isn’t to have any contact with her. On June 24th he sent over ten consecutive messages each of which called her derogatory names such as “h*e” and “sl-t” causing her to be in fear and in emotional distress.

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Lawrence Rush charged in strangulation of wife after she came home from night of drinking

Vikki Rush says she returned home after being out drinking and found the door was locked, causing her to have to knock until her husband, 61-year-old Lawrence Rush, let her inside. As she moved past him, her purse reportedly hit her husband, and she says he pushed her in response, starting a physical altercation. Vikki told police her husband eventually pushed her to the ground and strangled her, leaving scratch marks on her neck. During the struggle, he reportedly grabbed her by the hair and hit both her head and nose on the floor, which was swollen and had some bleeding.

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Man given $1500 bond for eating $2 worth of donuts inside Antioch Mapco — Robert Fathera arrested

53-year-old Robert Fathera was found sitting on the floor of an Antioch Mapco just before 10 a.m. Tuesday, his lips covered in white powder. Police determined he had taken two honey bunds and a pack of white powdered donuts from the shelf and consumed them while inside the store without any way to pay for them.

He was reportedly intoxicated, and had urinated on himself. Police charged him with public intoxication ($250 bond) and theft of merchandise ($1500 bond) and transported him to jail. The value of the stolen items was determined to one $2.00 by store management.

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Employees steals $7,505 from Antioch Home Depot in 2 days — Yvette Muhawe

21-year-old Yvette Muhawe signed a confession, admitting to leaving the cash drawer open after completing a transaction at the Antioch Home Depot where she worked, and after the customer walks away, taking money from the register. On November 29th she took $3,868, and on November 30 the amount was $3,637. She is charged with two felony counts of theft and is free on pre-trial release.

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