NY Cop Jesse Calgcagni jailed after assaulting off-duty MJPD cop working security downtown

A Mount Juliet Police Officer working a security job at a downtown Nashville bar late Saturday night says the security team was escorting a patron out of the venue when a member of that patron’s friend group, 31-year-old off-duty NY police officer Jesse Calgcagni, became aggressive and jumped on the back of one of the security staff members and began to push the others. He was quickly tackled and escorted downstairs and restrained by security in the alley until Metro Nashville Police Officers arrived. They noted he reeked of alcohol and was repeatedly yelling, “Are you Metro?” Calcagni was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Andrew Norelli jailed after interfering with the arrest of his friend, an off-duty cop, in downtown Nashville

32-year-old Andrew Norelli and several friends became “very upset” in downtown Nashville Saturday night when Metro Nashville Police arrested a member of their friend group, who is an off-duty police officer from New York, after he assaulted an off-duty police officer working security at Valentine’s Bar. Once the friend had been handcuffed and placed into a patrol car, Norelli became hostile to officers demanding to know what occurred and approaching the door of the transport car. He continued to be aggressive to police and others and took a fighting stance when asked to cooperate and calm down. After refusing to stay out of the way of the incident, Norelli was also taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

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