DUI: Narcan saves life of man found slumped over wheel after crash — amphetamines, heroin, suboxone & more

22-year-old Gavin Reese Bain was revived by the use of 3 doses of Narcan after he was found slumped over the wheel of his vehicle after a crash with a hypodermic in the floorboard beneath him and a marijuana pipe in the glove compartment. He admitted to having used marijuana, amphetamines, heroin, suboxone, and Zyprexa recently.

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Police arrest man on drug charges, find ledger naming all his customers

Police arrested Jamie White Monday: in the trailer was a drug ledger with ‘Jamie White’ written at the top and a list of people who he has sold drugs to, in addition to loaded 20 gauge shotgun with the barrel sawed off shorter than 18 inches, a loaded 9 mm pistol, digital scales with residue, a spoon with white residue, and a baggie of pill capsules. 

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