TSU Football’s Devon Starling has ‘fling’ with FB Director Ariel Escobar, who rams his car

TSU Football Star Devon Starling called police to report his “ex-fling”, 22-year-old Ariel Escobar, the Director of Football Operations & On-Campus Recruiting, was sitting in her car at his apartment at 2:30 a.m. as he arrived home with his girlfriend, Mia Kanu. The couple told Escobar she needed to leave the property, a request she refused. The couple attempted to drive around Escobar’s vehicle to leave the situation, but Escobar followed them as they pulled into a nearby parking lot. Escobar then blocked their vehicle from leaving and then drove into their vehicle with them still inside.

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Andrew Guinn charged with DUI after drinking at Mexican restaurant

36-year-old Andrew Guinn told police he had “2-3 Miller Lite bottles” at a Mexican restaurant before crashing his car into an embankment just before 1 a.m. Sunday. Guinn stated he was on his way home when another vehicle crossed the center line, causing him to swerve off the road. Officers say he was extremely intoxicated, and the inside of the vehicle smelled strongly of alcohol. He was transported to booking, where he later blew a 0.169% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Joshua Murner breaks into ex-girlfriend’s home, assaults two people, throws food from fridge

Police say 27-year-old Joshua Murner went to the River Road home of Stevie Voss, who is his ex-girlfriend, just before 5 a.m. on a Sunday in late September, just two days after she ended the relationship. A camera captured him entering at 4:45 a.m., at which time he was yelling and screaming while heavily intoxicated. Voss says he grabbed her by the neck with both hands in an attempt to strangle her, then grabbed her wrists and bicep, leaving more bruises. Elizabeth O’Brien witnessed the assault and attempted to stop him, causing Murnder to grab her by both wrists, also injuring her. In the ten minutes before Murner fled the scene, and before police arrived, Murner also punched holes in four doors and took all of the food from the refrigerator, and threw it across the home, along with shattering glass across the floor. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked into jail Monday morning.

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Alex Glover breaks straightening iron after fiancée is “over them not having intercourse”

31-year-old Alex Glover told police that he and his fiancée, Angela Stafford, had a verbal argument at 4 a.m. because she “was over them not having sexual intercourse.” As the argument escalated, he admits to breaking her straightening iron for her hair into three pieces. He also says Angela attacked him physically, but there were no indications of any assault from either party. Officers took Glover into custody and charged him with domestic vandalism, requiring a 12-hour hold before he could be released.

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