Emilio Pacheco, 18, found extremely intoxicated at Antioch trailer park

18-year-old Emilio Pacheco showed signs of extreme intoxication when officers encountered him at an Antioch trailer home park on January 9th. The property owner asked him to leave and contacted the police when he refused. Pacheco became argumentative and combative, and despite his behavior, was given multiple chances to find a ride home, contact his father, or even let an officer drive him home. He refused all options and refused to leave the property. He was taken into custody and charged with underage drinking and disorderly conduct.

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DUI: Josephine Mullins leaves Jelly Roll concert, drives over the barriers on Broadway — 0.229% BAC

27-year-old Josephine Mullins says she had “3 or 6 drinks” at the Jelly Roll concert Friday night before getting behind the wheel of her vehicle to drive home. As she drove onto Broadway, she impacted and drove over a large orange and white traffic barricade. Officers immediately responded from nearby and found her to be heavily intoxicated. Inside the vehicle, there were five empty fireball shooters, along with a white tumbler with about a quarter of the liquid remaining. She performed (very) poorly on field sobriety tests and blew a 0.229% BAC on a breathalyzer – nearly three times the legal limit in Tennessee.

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Intoxicated Woman kicks officer who is removing her from downtown bar — Bethlehem Weimer arrested

26-year-old Bethlehem Weimer was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning after security at Tin Roof Broadway contacted police due to how unruly she was becoming inside the bar. She was refusing to leave, and officers after multiple warning, she was placed into custody by officers. As they attempted to cuff her, she pulled away and kicked Officer Dibernardo in the leg twice. She continued kicking and screaming once inside the cruiser and eventually had to be hobble restrained. She was transported to booking, charged with public intoxication, resisting arrest, and assault of an officer. She is free on a $3,500 bond.

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