Jordan Higgins smashes ex-wife’s windshield when she picks him up at airport

When 44-year-old Jordan Higgins was picked up by his ex-wife at the Nashville International Airport on October 18th, the pair argued and were immediately disagreeable. Jordan became so upset he struck the windshield of Olivia’s car, breaking it, and injuring his hand. The two then continued their journey back to their shared residence in Murfreesboro but only got to Donelson Pike and Airport Center Drive before they were involved in an automobile crash. As officers inquired about the broken windshield, Jordan admitted to smashing it, and stated he’d “rather hurt something material than his wife.”

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What’s in the car? Whiskey, Body Armor, a 20-gauge shotgun, and 150 rounds.

35-year-old Derek Ferrell was stopped by Nashville International Airport Police on April 9th at approximately 5:30 p.m., after he was observed driving erratically in an older model white Ford sedan. Inside the vehicle, police would find an open bottle of Kentucky Deluxe Whiskey, a 20-gauge shotgun, 150 rounds of ammo, and drug paraphernalia.

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