14-year-old armed robbery suspect arrested with another teen, 3 guns & marijuana seized

MNPD arrested a 14-year-old accused armed robber after seeing him walk into a residence on Indiana Avenue. Inside they would find another teen, Alvin Hinds (who was free on bond for pending weapons charges), drugs, & 3 guns.

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Friend gives couple ride home from hospital, robs them at gunpoint on way home

A man was on his way to pick up his girlfriend from Vanderbilt hospital when his car broke down. He called his friend, 31-year-old Joshua Raines Thompson, to come assist. Thompson drove him to Vanderbilt, picked up the girlfriend, and on the way robbed them at gunpoint, and left them at the Joelton McDonald’s.

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Man breaks down ex-girlfriend’s door, fires shots at male guest jumping out window

Jordan Beavers, 23, broke down his ex-girlfriend’s door, fired shots at her male companion as he jumped out a bedroom window, and made his ex girlfriend beg for her life as a gun was held to her. He finished the night by telling her he would kill her if she told the police what happened.

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