DUI: Musician Alex Hernandez jumps out of his own driver’s seat, chases vehicle in downtown Nashville

32-year-old Alex Hernandez was attempting to drive his silver van out of the parking garage near 3rd Ave & Broadway in downtown Nashville when he suddenly stepped out of the driver’s side door while the van continued to roll onto 3rd Avenue with passengers inside. He chased the van to get it to stop, and hopped back into the driver’s seat, catching the eye of an officer who was stuck in traffic while responding to another nearby call. Hernandez admitted to having three beers prior to driving and “respectfully declined” to participate in field sobriety tests. All the passengers had also been drinking, so the officer drove the defendant’s vehicle back into the parking garage so it would be safely parked and not be towed. Hernandez was charged with DUI.

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East Nashville Mother held minor child’s wrists while kicking her shins during assault, per report — Cheryl Holt a

47-year-old Cheryl Holt was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Tuesday morning, charged with the domestic assault of her minor child. Police say the minor child took her mother’s phone away from her because she was attempting to text threats to a third party. The minor returned to her bedroom, at which point Cheryl reportedly screamed at her from the hallway then punched her in the face and slapped her in the face. She then reportedly continued the assault by grabbing and holding her wrists while she kicked her in the shins. Responding officers observed and documented injuries on the minor child, as well as the apartment being in disarray. Cheryl Holt was transported to booking, charged with domestic assault with bodily injury, and is free on a $1,500 cash bond.

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DUI: Woman found asleep behind wheel of running vehicle in East Nashville — Chelsea Brown

31-year-old Chelsea Brown was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning, after police located her asleep behind the wheel of her vehicle, which was running and in ‘drive’, in East Nashville. When asked for her license, she presented a while ‘Simplicity’ credit card, and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Brown was transported to booking and charged with DUI and violation of the implied consent law after she declined to submit to a breathalyzer test. She is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Man blows .223 BAC, says he had “one shot at work” before driving — Tanner Taliaferro

27-year-old Tanner Taliaferro told officers he had “one shot at work” when asked how much he had been drinking after an East Nashville traffic stop last weekend. He was pulled over due to an improper stop and crossing the center-line multiple times. Officers noted obvious signs of intoxication in an arrest report, and Taliaferro agreed to a breathalyzer which resulted in a BAC of 0.223 as the highest reading. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Woman charged in East Nashville DUI – just moments away from her home — Logan McCullough

26-year-old Logan McCullough was charged with DUI on Saturday in East Nashville after Officer Paul Stein says he observed her perform a rolling stop at a stop sign, then cross several lines and swerve as he followed her. Despite his emergency lights, it took a few goes with the emergency siren before she eventually acknowledged him and pulled over. She denied drinking, however, Stein says she reeked of alcohol and was obviously intoxicated. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Lipstick Lounge patron charged after becoming too drunk to be in public — Francis Castellucci

Metro Nashville Police say 34-year-old Francis Castellucci had been drinking at the Lipstick Lounge in East Nashville and became angry with other patrons who were leaving and began to harass and threaten them. Due to his high level of intoxication, he was taken into custody and transported to booking.

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Musician Brian Elliot Hyken charged with DUI after colliding with a fire hydrant in East Nashville

31-year-old Brian Elliot Hyken, who performs under the name “Brian Elliot” says he had “3 gin & tonics” at the Pearl Diver in East Nashville before he ran over a curb to collide with shrubbery and a fire hydrant in the early hours of August 31st. He refused a breathalyzer and was charged with DUI. He is free on pre-trial release.

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#BoosterClub: Serial Shoplifter Dajervon Brewer arrested

Notorious “serial shoplifter” Dajervon ‘Love’ Brewer was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this week, on 8 counts of theft from various retailers, including Publix and Walmart.

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‘Honcho Savage’ charged in domestic assault case after refusing to bathe baby

Nashville’s 21-year-old Honcho Savage, better known as Howard Gordon, is charged with domestic assault after his girlfriend says she repeatedly asked him to bathe their baby, and when she did it herself, he allegedly punched a hole through the door, kicked it open, and punched her.

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“I got tired of listening to her, so I grabbed my glass and swung”

“I got tired of listening to her, so I grabbed my glass and swung!” That’s the statement 24-year-old Chaselyn Chance gave Metro Police Friday as they charged her with aggravated assault with serious bodily injury at an East Nashville bar.

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Dejuan Bell gunned down Quincy Brown, who was riding on a Bird Scooter with a friend

Quincy Brown & Calais Hill were riding a bird scooter together when Dejuan Bell opened fire on them after an argument in East Nashville. Quincy Brown died from a gunshot wound to his head. Hill escaped without injuries. Dejuan Bell is charged with 1 count homicide, & 1 count attempted homicide.

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