Woman assaults & bites husband after he refuses to give her money, says she doesn’t work — Hadia Zkria

34-year-old Hadia Zkria is charged with the domestic assault of her husband after he showed police lacerations and injuries to his neck, wrist, and elbow, and a bite mark on his chest. Police were also able to view a video of the attack.

Her husband Elsadig Adam, states the argument happened after she asked him for money but he would not give her any, stating she did not work. Zkria is free on a $1,500 bond. When asked by an interpreter, Zkria stated ‘nothing happened’.

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Nashville rapper Fazoe charged with punching sister in face, pulling out her hair, over shrimp — David Hyde

23-year-old David ‘Fazoe’ Hyde was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Thursday on an outstanding domestic assault warrant from 2019. According to court documents, his mother flagged down police to tell them he had assaulted his sister after she refused to give him some shrimp which she was eating in East Nashville. The two scuffled after he began recording her with his phone, and witnesses report he punched her in the face with his fist and pulled out several strands of her hair before fleeing. He is free on a $2,500 bond.

At the time of this week’s arrest, Hyde was also facing another case from April of 2019, during which David gave the name and SSN of his twin brother, Dominique Hyde, after a minor traffic accident. While police were questioning him during that interaction his mother approached police and asked if he gave them his real name or his brother’s, and he was then charged with criminal impersonation and the FTA on another outstanding warrant at that time. That case is also ongoing.

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Argument over dirty dishes leaves roommate jailed over Thanksgiving holiday — Carlos Blas-Morales

29-year-old Carlos Blas-Morales is charged with the Thanksgiving aggravated assault with a deadly weapon of his roommate after the pair argued over dirty dishes on the stove just before 10 a.m. A witness says Blas-Morales grabbed a pair of scissors, which escalated the verbal argument. He reportedly approached his roommate while holding the scissors in a threatening and pointing manner saying “we can do whatever you want”. Blas-Morales remains jailed in lieu of a $3,000 bond.

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Woman charged in biting assault of boyfriend — Katelen Jennings jailed

34-year-old Katelen Jennings is charged with the domestic assault of her boyfriend, who told police she bit him and continually attempted to ‘rush’ at him in multiple attempts to get his phone while he was attempting to sleep. Court records show she believed there was something ‘suspicious on his phone, and wanted to question him and search it. She was determined to be the primary aggressor and charged with domestic assault/bodily injury. She is free on a $2,500 bond.

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The Playboi & The Pastor: Ty-Logan charged with assault of boyfriend after night at Play Dance Bar in Nashville

23-year-old model & influencer ‘Ty-Logan’ (Ty-Logan Carney II), who goes by @TyYonce on Instagram, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday night on an open domestic assault warrant. The warrant details that he and his boyfriend, Pastor D. Dewayne Nolan Jr. were outside Play Dance Bar Monday night “discussing their relationship” when Ty-Logan allegedly became upset, pushed the pastor, then took off his shirt and punched his lover in the face. He is free on a $2,500 bond

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MNPD says tourist slapped her fiance; He says she was smacking a fly — Mary Hatley arrested

MNPD Officer James Thornton was driving downtown when he says he says he had to stop his patrol car and make an immediate arrest after he says he observed a 21-year-old tourist Mary Hatley hit her fiance in the face with an open hand. The victim, Shane Cole, had no injuries, did not make a complaint, did not want to press charges, and says the officer misunderstood what he believed he observed, and his fiance was simply “smacking flies from his face”. Hatley posted a $1,000 cash bond after the state-mandated 12-hour domestic violence hold.

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Mother and daughter attack mother’s boyfriend; victim stabbed multiple times

53-year-old Joyce Bean was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after an argument ensued between her and her boyfriend during which she told him “get out of my house and I want my teeth back.” She then began attacking him and ended up stabbing him multiple times but not before her daughter was able to jump in and get some licks in of her own.

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72-year-old man charged with assault of wife after Sunday church

72-year-old David Aldous is charged with the domestic assault of his wife. The couple was at Cici’s Pizza after church on Sunday, when she says he became aggressive. They later tried to get out of the car, at which time she says David struck her. He is free on a $1,500 cash bond.

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Son pepper-sprayed by Father as son attacks family during argument

18-year-old Paul Lee is free on a $2,000 cash bond after police say he attacked his mother and father during an argument. His father deployed pepper spray on his child, stating he was in fear for the safety of his family.

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Man punched girlfriend in mouth, she yelled at him, he punched her again, police say

42-year-old Matthew Mueller is free on a $2,000 bond after police say he punched his girlfriend in the mouth once, then did it again when she yelled at him for the first punch. Mueller didn’t remember the incident but told police it “seemed like” he had done so.

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Top NY Real Estate Agent Harry Naill charged with assaulting wife; assaulted by FGL House security

Security at FGL House in downtown Nashville assaulted Harry Naill after he allegedly was keeping his wife from leaving the bar intoxicated by herself. Bar Security took it upon themselves to throw him on a sidewalk outside a bar, then delivered him to Metro Officers a short distance away.

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Sometimes, you both go to jail #DomesticViolence

Vanessa Isaacs was downtown drinking on Thursday night, and when she returned home to her wife, Tiffany Isaacs, the two got into a brawl that even the police couldn’t determine a primary aggressor, so they both went to jail.

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KISS Arrest: Woman charged with slapping boyfriend in face at KISS Concert

45-year-old Erin A. Savage told police she did open-hand slap her boyfriend of 18 months during a verbal argument at last night’s KISS concert, at which time off-duty officers detained her. The victim told police he was slapped, but did not wish to prosecute, and had no visible injuries, however the police prosecuted on his behalf.

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