Woman charged with holding girlfriend in headlock & repeatedly punching her face — Kaitlynn Price

25-year-old Kaitlynn Price was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday morning on an outstanding warrant charging her with the domestic assault of her ex-girlfriend, Alexandria Smith.

Court records show the two were living together in October when Kaitlynn grabbed her by the shirt, placed her in a headlock, and repeatedly punched her in the face. Price is free on a $1,000 bond.

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Tourist charged with punching boyfriend in face after night of Broadway binging — Sarisa Orphal

27-year-old Sarisa Orphal, a tourist from Fort Wayne, Indiana, is charged with domestic assault in Nashville after her boyfriend told police the couple had been out drinking on Broadway late Saturday night and returned to their room at the Cambria Hotel and began to argue. When Daniel Goff attempted to leave the hotel room she reportedly snatched the hat off his head and punched him in the face three times, leaving two bloody cuts on his face, according to Metro Nashville Police who documented the injuries. She was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail and is now free on a $1,000 cash bond.

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Man bleaches all the clothes he bought for girlfriend after an argument — Daweed Malachi Jackson arrested

21-year-old Daweed Malachi Jackson is charged with vandalism after he admitted to taking all of his girlfriend’s clothing he had bought for her while they were dating, placing it in the bathtub, and soaking it with bleach. The damage is estimated to be between $500 – $700. Jackson is free on a $1,000 cash bond.

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