Emails confirm Mayor Cooper’s administration kept public out of State of Metro in violation of city charter

In April, Nashville Mayor John Cooper provided the yearly ‘State of Metro’ address to the citizens of Nashville, which is required by the city charter to be open to the public. While the administration claims no one was turned away or denied an invitation, a newly fulfilled open records request details people who were told they could not attend, citizens who were turned away at the door because they were not on the invitation list, and a directed change of the announcement text making it ‘invite only’ and specifically not open to the public. The Mayor’s Chief Communications Officer TJ Ducklo claims none of this ever happened, despite the newly released administration emails detailing the denials.

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Lebanon man claims Sumner County Commissioner forced him to withdraw money from ATM; calls 911 & chases him

Lebanon Police say 21-year-old Travis Gaither called 911 and claimed Sumner County Commissioner & State Representative candidate Luke Tinsley forced him to withdraw cash from an ATM and give it to him. Gaither then chased the vehicle, providing updates to the dispatcher, asking police to meet him at Tinsley’s house. The investigation showed the money was a loan, and he didn’t think he had to pay it back. He was charged with misuse of 911 and possession of the marijuana in this glovebox. Gaither is Tinsley’s former campaign manager for his State Representative run.

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Mayor Cooper: Emergency shelters will be fully funded & 100 percent operational this winter

NEW: Despite a decision earlier this week that would have closed Nashville’s emergency warming shelters for the winter, Mayor John Cooper has now ordered the shelters to be fully funded and operational by this winter.

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Councilman Jonathan Hall refuses to disclose campaign donors or how he spent thousands of dollars, in violation of state law

State law is clear – when you run for an office you must disclose who contributes money to your campaign and categorize how you spend those dollars. Jonathan Hall, running for Metro Council D1, has $7,050 in contributions from individuals he refuses to disclose the identity of, and over $11,000 in cash/misc purchases he refuses to say what they were for.

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‘Cultural Incompetence’ – says Mayoral Candidate about Mayor Briley’s decision to remove cherry blossom trees for NFL Draft

State Representative John Ray Clemmons, who is Running to be the next Mayor of Nashville, said Saturday the decision by Mayor Briley’s administration to allow the removal and destruction of over 21 cherry blossom trees to accommodate the NFL Draft event in downtown Nashville displayed ‘cultural incompetence.’

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Metro Council at-large candidate Matthew DelRossi arrested

Current at-large candidate for Metro Council, and former vice Mayoral candidate, Matthew DelRossi was arrested over the weekend, charged with two counts of violating an active order of protection. For his second campaign in a row, it appears he will be running for an elected office while out of jail on bond.

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What part of ‘no’ doesn’t the Metro Council understand? You can’t have 3 terms!

What part of ‘no’ doesn’t the Metro Council understand? Surely their time could be better spent with priorities for the city, instead of asking for their term limit to be expanded – for the 7th time since citizens restricted them. The citizens of Nashville have defeated amendment 5 during today’s election. 

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BREAKING: Nashville gets community oversight of police department

The people of Nashville have spoken, loud and clear. Referendum 1 on today’s ballot has passed, and Nashville will get a Community Oversight Board for the Metro Nashville Police Department – despite the wishes of the police, the Mayor, and the FOP, who spent over a half-million dollars on deceptive ads in an attempt to overcome the wish of the citizens of Nashville.

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Nashville Vice-Mayoral Candidate is Running for Office While Out on Bond

In the race for Nashville’s new vice-mayor, one candidate stands out. He’s running for office while out on bond after an order of protection violation arrest. He’s the only candidate with mugshots. Meet Matthew Delrossi.

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