Emails confirm Mayor Cooper’s administration kept public out of State of Metro in violation of city charter

In April, Nashville Mayor John Cooper provided the yearly ‘State of Metro’ address to the citizens of Nashville, which is required by the city charter to be open to the public. While the administration claims no one was turned away or denied an invitation, a newly fulfilled open records request details people who were told they could not attend, citizens who were turned away at the door because they were not on the invitation list, and a directed change of the announcement text making it ‘invite only’ and specifically not open to the public. The Mayor’s Chief Communications Officer TJ Ducklo claims none of this ever happened, despite the newly released administration emails detailing the denials.

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Nashville Mayor John Cooper’s Office offers escorted tours of homeless people living in the city’s parks

#NotAParody: Nashville Mayor John Cooper has now scheduled multiple “Jurassic Park” style tours of the city’s most vulnerable and unhoused humans who have resorted to living in tents and makeshift shelters inside public park space, many times for their own safety. The tours, offered to Metro Council Members and accompanying media, come complete with personal escorts from the city’s police force. An invitation notes the office will offer “UTV availability for those who want to go further into the encampment”. The next tour group will gather at Azafran Park Tuesday at 4 p.m., should you wish to attend and see if your Metro Council Person brought their binoculars or care packages.

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Metro Council member accidentally goes loud & live during morning toilet session

Just before 6 a.m. Sunday, Metro Council member Steve Glover let loose, while accidentally broadcasting live from his bathroom, sitting on the toilet. It wasn’t a rant that viewers heard, but rather some deuces being dropped – while a confused councilman attempts to figure out what’s going on, and why technology is so hard.

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Councilman Jonathan Hall refuses to disclose campaign donors or how he spent thousands of dollars, in violation of state law

State law is clear – when you run for an office you must disclose who contributes money to your campaign and categorize how you spend those dollars. Jonathan Hall, running for Metro Council D1, has $7,050 in contributions from individuals he refuses to disclose the identity of, and over $11,000 in cash/misc purchases he refuses to say what they were for.

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Metro Councilman says he’s “not paying” a court-ordered judgment for campaign signs, didn’t even show up for court

Metro Councilman Jonathan refused to show up for a court date after being served and says he’s “not paying” the judgment ordered by the Judge. He’s left a small business owner out over $7,000 for his campaign signs from the last election, despite repeated promises to make it right.

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Council Member Delishia Porterfield dirty deletes 5,342 tweets, removes 784 likes, & more

She doesn’t answer phone calls. She doesn’t reply to emails, and she’s now deleted her entire social media history, the most significant of which was on twitter @Delishia4D29. Newly elected Metro Council Member Delishia Porterfield has started off her new council career as possibly the least accessible, and certainly the least transparent member of Metro Council, and she’s only been seated a few weeks.

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Metro Council at-large candidate Matthew DelRossi arrested

Current at-large candidate for Metro Council, and former vice Mayoral candidate, Matthew DelRossi was arrested over the weekend, charged with two counts of violating an active order of protection. For his second campaign in a row, it appears he will be running for an elected office while out of jail on bond.

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Council Member Jonathan Hall sued for theft of services – hasn’t paid for campaign merchandise

Metro Council Member Jonathan Hall is being sued for theft of services & unjust enrichment, after he hired Logoz, Inc. to produce his campaign merchandise, and refuses to pay the bill. Hall is a member of the Budget & Finance committee on the council.

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Metro Council set to pass NES bill ’round-up’ program tonight, NES ‘welcomes’ the resolution.

It’s back – the vote is TONIGHT to round up your NES bill without asking:

“The Metropolitan Council hereby goes on record as formally requesting NES to implement a customer-remove Round-Up donation program, such that all ratepayers will be enrolled in the program automatically, creating a reasonable and sustainable source of revenue for its low-income weatherization program.”

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