BREAKING: Nashville gets community oversight of police department

BREAKING: Nashville gets community oversight of police department

With 82% of precincts in, and early voting number released, the people of Nashville have spoken, loud and clear. Referendum 1 on today’s ballot has passed, and Nashville will get a Community Oversight Board for the Metro Nashville Police Department – despite the wishes of the police, the Mayor, and the FOP, who spent over a half-million dollars on deceptive ads in an attempt to overcome the wish of the citizens of Nashville.

Mayor David Briley responded to the victory:

“The people of Nashville have spoken. As I’ve said all along, I will support this amendment, and I will start by meeting with involved parties as early as next week.

I have always asserted that civilian oversight is essential to ensuring that we have a 21st-century approach to policing. Thankfully best practices exist to help us chart a path forward, and I will do all I can to help ensure the Community Oversight Board is successful.”

The oversight board will have to be operational by January 31st, 2019. This is a developing story and we’ll have much more as the week progresses. In the meantime, check out Community Oversight Now’s website for more information.

We’re calling the vote at 8:40 PM with today’s voting of (FOR 129,195 / AGAINST 87,042 – 83% reporting), and early voting/absentee totals of (FOR 87,726 / AGAINST 61,422).

What is the COB?

The Community Oversight Board (COB) is an advisory and investigative body that will offer suggestions and recommendations to Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) in cases of police misconduct and in the development of policy.

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