BUI: David Rank, 62, charged after doing donuts on a jet ski near Elm Hill Marina

TWRA Officer Joshua Landrum says 62-year-old David Alan Rank was having too much fun near the Elm Hill Marina Sunday as he observed him doing donuts near the no-wake zone without a life jacket properly buckled. As he spoke to Rank, he says it was apparent he was intoxicated with slurred speech and a strong smell of alcohol about him. When asked how much he had to drink today, he stated he had “one or two drinks” on his daughter’s boat.

He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken to jail.

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Tourist Sara Zanish Connor wasn’t prepared for Nashville’s liquor #PublicIntoxication

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville encountered 57-year-old Sara Zanish Connor in the early hours of Sunday morning near Rippy’s Bar.

She appeared obviously intoxicated and was wildly swinging her arms and fists at other patrons walking by and yelling and cursing at strangers. Officers say she was “covered in what can reasonably be concluded to be vomit” and deemed her to be unable to care for herself.

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McDUI: Troy White passed out behind the wheel in drive-thru with two loaded handguns

Police found 56-year-old Troy White asleep in his vehicle at McDonald’s drive-thru at 1:30 a.m. Sunday. He initially seemed unconscious but slowly acknowledged people were around, but could not follow simple commands. Police say he reeked of alcohol, and he stated he had been drinking at a nearby bar where he had “four bottles of beer.” He performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and during a search of his vehicle incident to arrest, two loaded handguns were found around his seat, once under it, and the other next to the center console.

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Kristin Walker charged after punching woman at Honky Tonk Central in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police responded to a fight at Honky Tonk Central and arrived to find the victim, Samantha Cowan, with a bloody nose. Security Staff witnessed the assault and pointed out 38-year-old Kristin Walker as the person who punched the victim in the face for no apparent reason when walking by her. Officers were in the process of issuing a misdemeanor citation when Walker made it clear she would not sign any citation. She was then taken into custody and charged with assault.

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DUI: Robert Coleman drove up onto sidewalk where cops were standing for a road closure

Police say 65-year-old Robert Coleman drove his vehicle through a crosswalk, onto a sidewalk, and continued to where officers were standing for a road-closure setup. Coleman was reportedly confused and stared at police officers with a “dazed look”. He was heavily intoxicated and had to brace against the car when he exited. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and blew a 0.196% BAC on a breathalyzer.

He was transported to jail and charged with DUI.

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Dillion Whitehouse found half-naked and making threats in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Dillon Whitehouse was found shirtless at 120 3rd Ave S. Sunday, outside the FGL House Bar holding a gun while stating he was going to kill someone. Officers arrived at the scene and multiple people pointed them in the direction of Whitehouse, stating “he’s gon a gun!”

As officers approached he tossed the handgun under a black car and was detained by officers before being transported to booking.

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Dominique Raee Triste steals $1640 at airport after Bonarroo; Her prison purse was plentiful

Traveler Jessica Ross left her red handbag containing $1,640 in the baggage claim area near the British Airways sign at the Nashville International Airport Sunday. After a review of video footage, Airport police determined that 23-year-old Dominique Triste took the cash from the bag, and gave it to her male travel companion, who she had just met at Bonnaroo this weekend, to hold onto. When police found the missing cash she asked if they just wanted to “take it” and not be any further problems? She was taken into custody, and once at booking, a plastic “drug bag” containing a white powder was found in her “prison purse” and retrieved from inside her body cavity.

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Patrick Ryan hits patrol car window, gives cop an ultimatum, goes to jail

27-year-old Patrick Ryan ran up to a parked Metro Nashville Police cruiser at 4th & Broadway and slammed his hands onto the glass. As Officer David Collins rolled down his window to inquire as to how he could assist the visitor, Ryan stated “find my wife or take me to jail!” As Officer Collins exited the patrol vehicle, Ryan placed his hands behind his back without any further conversation or provocation and continued slurring his words, obviously intoxicated. He continued to have trouble standing and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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East Nashville moped DUI: Thomas Willey arrested

Metro Nashville Police received a call Saturday evening that two people riding on a red “moped” had fallen over due to drunkenness. As officers arrived at the intersection of N 14th St & Forrest Ave, 37-year-old Thomas Willey, in very slurred speech, identified himself as the driver of the motorized scooter. A witness says Willey attempted to flee before offices arrived, but was unable to successfully drive it away. Police note he was obviously intoxicated and admitted to drinking “2 margaritas” at a nearby bar earlier in the evening. He was transported to booking and charged with DUI.

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New York man charged after beating another man on Broadway — Oladayo Thomas arrested

In the early hours of Sunday morning, Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville observed 23-year-old soccer player Oladayo Thomas physically assaulting another individual. Officers separated the two and instructed him to stay away and move along multiple times, however, Thomas continued to try to push past officers, stating he was going to beat the other person. Unable to be convinced the fight was over, and with every reason to believe it would only escalate if left alone, Thomas was transported to jail, where he was charged with disorderly conduct.

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Matt Slater refuses to leave airport when deemed too drunk to fly American Airlines — BNA

Nashville Airport Police responded to American Airlines C15 Gate area Sunday after 35-year-old Matthew Slater was denied boarding due to his extreme level of intoxication. Officers attempted to explain he would simply be rebooked for the following morning and escort him outside of the secure area of the airport so he could arrange for somewhere to stay for the evening. Slater became increasingly upset he would not make his scheduled flight and refused to leave the secured area of the airport. He was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication. Slater later posted on social media to his friends: “After SEVERAL delays, Massive problems and a night in an airport, finally making it to Chicago”.

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How much alcohol did you drink? Tourist Kaleb Dillard answers: “A Lot!”

Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative found 21-year-old Kaleb Dillard laying down in the parking garage at 315 Deadrick Street with no idea how he got there, where he was staying, where he was going, or where his friends were. Dillard stated he consumed “a lot” of beer and was heavily intoxicated according to an arrest report. Due to his inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Local patron charged after assaulting downtown Nashville bartender — Jesse Horn

Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Saturday night were notified that a bartender had been assaulted by a patron, 43-year-old Jesse Horn. As officers responded, Horn immediately walked up into an officer’s face and became aggressive. Horn reportedly reeked of alcohol, could barely walk, and was unable to form sentences that resembled spoken English.

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Downtown Nashville proved to be too much for Emma Sprague — public intoxication

21-year-old Emma Sprague was found passed out on the sidewalk by Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative near 3rd & Broadway in the early hours of Sunday morning. She was heavily intoxicated and refused all medical assistance. She did not have a working cell phone and officers were unable to locate any of her friends in the vicinity. Unable to care for herself, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Dakota Lowhorn punches woman in face in downtown Nashville; witnessed by MNPD

Metro Nashville Police Officer Connor Hosey says he witnessed 27-year-old Dakota Lowhorn punch a woman in the face while standing in the street just outside of Tin Roof Broadway in downtown Nashville. Officer had just been dispatched to the location for a report of two people attempting to fight and arrived as it began. Lowhorn attempted to chase after the female victim but was taken into custody and transported to booking.

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Matthew Charboneau charged after breaking MNPD Officer’s ankle in downtown fight

Metro Nashville Police responded to Rippy’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville on Saturday in response to 41-year-old Matthew Charboneau yelling and causing a scene with patrons on the sidewalk. Officer Kevin Clausius attempted to de-escalate the situation, however, Charboneau came at him aggressively and the two fought. Police say that during the fight, Charboneau broke the officer’s left ankle. Once he was cuffed, Charboneau then attempted to headbutt Officer Erickson. The officer was transported to Vanderbilt for his broken ankle.

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Chelsea Kelly fired 17 shots into the air while “celebrating father’s day & having fun”

28-year-old Chelsea Kelly is charged with felony reckless endangerment after admitting to firing approximately 17 bullets into the air Sunday night just after 10 p.m., as part of celebrating Father’s Day and just “having fun”. Jason Bond called police to report he heard the gunshots coming from the home directly behind their AirBNB. Officers drove to the location and conducted a knock-and-talk at which time she confessed. Bond also states he had “red laser beams” coming into the home when the gun was being fired. Officers recovered a Taurus .40 cal and multiple shell casings.

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Patient charged with assault of nurse at Vanderbilt Hospital — Harold Henry

57-year-old Harold Henry was a patient in the critical care tower of Vanderbilt Univerity Medical Center earlier this month when he began yelling and screaming at nurse Alicia Bonner to get out of his room when she entered during shift change. He would later tell police he felt as if the nursing staff was “ganging up on him”. Bonner attempted to de-escalate the situation when Henry stated “Do you want some of this?” and spit in a cup of water and threw it at her, soaking her hair, shirt, and face. He then jumped at her as if he were going to strike her.

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Man asks store clerk to call 911 for him; she pepper sprays him instead — John Johnson

Metro Nashville Police say 32-year-old John Johnson came to the Fresh Market on 4th Ave S. and from outside asked the store clerk to call an ambulance for him. She stated she wasn’t able to do that and told him to leave the property. Upset at the response, Johnson reportedly then walked into the store and grabbed merchandise from the counter, at which time the clerk pepper-sprayed the man with “Sabre Red, Blue Face Pepper Spray” causing him to flee. He returned a short time later with a rock in his hand and damaged the front glass door of the business. He was located a few blocks away and taken into custody.

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Intoxicated California man assaults Nashville officer at Nudie’s Honky Tonk — Ebrahim Parvizshahi

Metro Nashville Police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville located 35-year-old Ebrahim Parvizshahi outside of Nudie’s Honky tonk yelling and screaming at bouncers from the venue. An officer was already attempting to assist security with another patron when Parvizshahi inserted himself into that interaction by pushing the officer. As they attempted to take Parvizshahi into custody he attempted to flee and push his way through the crowd but was eventually taken into custody. It was later learned the other patron was his brother.

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Namie Yimnoi tells police ex-lover choked her; Now you know the rest of the story…

19-year-old Phadtarawadee Namie Yimnoi told police she was “choked” in an attempt to have her ex-boyfriend/roommate, DaTorrien Mayo, charged, however after hearing the full story and interviewing two other witnesses, she took the ride to jail. Officers arrived at the domestic call, where after two independent witnesses and the victim were interviewed, it was determined she had entered his room to retrieve property she says she had gifted him during the relationship. He confronted her about being in his room and escorted her out, at which time she “threw an elbow” and hit him in the face, leaving him with an injury. She then attempted to strike him with a phone, at which time he attempted to restrain her from further assaulting him, which is when she says felt she was “choked”.

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Downtown DUI: Destin Lovett muttered about “trees and vegetables” after crash

Officers say 27-year-old Destin Lovett continuously muttered under his breath bout “trees and vegetables” after he was involved in a minor traffic crash in downtown Nashville. He attempted to leave the scene but was detained by the other involved party. Police arrived to find a mostly-empty Miller High Life can inside his vehicle, and recall that Lovett reeked of alcohol. He admitted to drinking four 36oz High Life cans and stated he was a “6 or a 4” on the “How drunk are you on a scale of 1-10” question. A breathalyzer resulted in a 0.155% BAC.

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Ashley Thomas charged after attacking boyfriend when he tries to leave during an argument

24-year-old Ashley Thomas was jailed on June 15th, charged with the domestic assault of her boyfriend, Allen Lewis. A bystander heard the assault happening and called police, who arrived to find the two had exited the residence and were now in a vehicle. The victim advised the two were arguing and he attempted to leave to de-escalate the situation. He says she then stepped in front of the door and place her hands around his neck, and when he broke her grip and continued on his way she backhanded him in the nose.

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