Senior Citizen Michael Peek charged with DUI downtown after midnight in odd fit of road rage

68-year-old Michael Peek was driving his vehicle just after midnight in downtown Nashville when he stopped near 400 Broadway in front of Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row and angrily exited his vehicle, stumbling in the process. As officers working the Entertainment District Initiative approached him to see what was happening, he reentered the vehicle. He admitted to having three White Russian drinks before driving and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He would later blow a 0.136% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Drunk tourist Joel Weisberger arrested while getting a courtesy ride in patrol car to his hotel

Metro Nashville Police were involved with an unrelated call in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Friday morning when they were flagged down and directed to 37-year-old Joel Weisberger, who was becoming aggressive toward other citizens. Officers observed him to be extremely intoxicated and yelling at other patrons for no reason as they made contact with him. Weisberger had two friends with him who were attempting to get him back to the hotel, and they got him in the patrol car so the officer could drive him there. Along the way, he began to yell and scream and hit the interior door of the police cruiser in an attempt to get out while it was moving. Due to his continued drunkenness and behavior, he was placed into custody and transported to booking.

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Patrick Thomas escapes downtown cops, gives chase for two blocks in handcuffs before capture

Metro Nashville Police say 22-year-old Patrick Thomas was on lower Broadway in downtown Nashville when he became injured in an unknown incident. Nashville Fire’s Medic 9 responded and began treating Thomas at the scene in the back of an ambulance, but he refused any additional transport to a hospital for further care. He was extremely intoxicated and unable to care for himself, and officers were unable to determine anyone he was with, where he was staying, or anyone to call to collect him. As it was determined he would be charged with public intoxication and transported to jail, Thomas was handcuffed while in the back of the ambulance. Now in cuffs, Thomas suddenly lunged forward past the MNPD officer and jumped out of the ambulance, and fled on foot for over two blocks before officers caught up with him on Gay Street, where he was taken to the ground by force.

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Police report alleges Jack Zuckowsky slapped girlfriend across the face on a boat this summer

In reports filed with both the Metro Nashville Police and the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office, an ex-girlfriend of Jack Zuckowsky says she was assaulted by him while on a pontoon boat this summer at Two Foot Cove. She says Jack smacked her with an open hand across the left side of her face, knocking her to the ground. According to the incident report, a group of friends was having a social gathering on the boat, horseplaying around, and Jack pushed her into the water in what she thought was a playful manner. She pulled at his swim trunks in return, also in a playful manner. Jack reportedly suddenly became aggressive while screaming and yelling profanities as he assaulted her. Officers spoke with multiple witnesses who confirmed the incident.

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Duo charged after refusing to leave apartment complex — William Robinson & Brandon Hanserd

20-year-old William Robinson & 30-year-old Brandon Hanserd were both jailed Wednesday afternoon after they refused to leave the property of the Overlook Ridge Apartments in North Nashville. Metro Nashville Police responded to the complex at 12:27 p.m. after reports of individuals near the back of the complex brandishing firearms. Both individuals were once again asked to leave and refused to do so. Management of the complex asked they be removed from the property, and officers verified they had a valid trespass waiver on file.

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TSU Administration knew about football program’s sex scandal since August & ignored it

Both women in Devon Starling’s life have now gone to jail over him. After Monday’s revelation that Tennessee State Football’s Director of Operations, Ariel Escobar, rammed her car into the vehicle of her part-time lover, Football Player Devon Starling, multiple staff have confirmed the school’s administration knew about the relationship since August, when 22-year-old Mai Kanu, who is Starling’s full-time girlfriend and was in the car when Escobar rammed it, was herself arrested. Police say Kanu came to Starling’s apartment on August 24th, aware he had another woman inside…

Kanu stormed through the door and found the school’s Football Ops Director, Ariel Escobar, romantically entwined with Sterling. She repeatedly struck Sterling in the face, leaving him with multiple visible injuries and swelling. Kanu attacked Escobar, too, pulling her hair and punching her in the face. Escobar did not wish to prosecute to avoid being named in the police report. The following week, records show multiple staff members reported the incident to TSU’s Director of Athletics, Dr. Mikki Allen, who dismissed the reports. Staff also reported Escobar had another sexual relationship with a co-worker, a member of the Football program’s Executive Administration team.

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Matt O’Connell tries to get into a home, believing it’s where a girl he’s meeting lives #WrongHouse

Metro Nashville Police responded to an active burglary alarm at a home on 7th Ave North in downtown Nashville just before 3 a.m. Wednesday. The homeowner reported the man, identified as 36-year-old Matthew Edward O’Connell, was attempting to get into his home. O’Connell, who is a bartender at Jason Aldean’s bar downtown, was extremely intoxicated but explained he believed this was the house he was supposed to be at to visit a woman he had been seeing. Officers had Nashville Fire medics respond to the scene, but Matt O’Connell refused any assistance or transport. Unable to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Kira Mercedes Joyner charged after shoplifting, assaulting mall security officer at OpryMills

29-year-old Kira Mercedes McKenzie Joyner was booked this week on outstanding citations from 2020, which she never self-booked on. Police say on December 3rd, 2020, Kira McKenzie Joyner was inside the Hot Topic store at Opry Mills Mall when Mall Security Officer Bailey McCluskey made contact with her as she was reportedly caught shoplifting. As she was being detained and escorted to the mall’s security office, she kicked him on his left leg and began to yell and scream, causing a disturbance to other shoppers in the mall. She was issued state citations for theft and assault and never appeared for them.

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Tourist Jordan Jennings charged in assault of Rippy’s Bouncer in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Jordan Jennings is charged with assaulting security guard Phillip Young at Rippy’s Bar in downtown Nashville. The tourist was issued a citation for assault after being told he had to leave the location due to his behavior but eventually convincing staff to let him back inside to use the restroom. While he was in the restroom, bar staff was informing the rest of his party they also needed to leave the location. As Jennings came out of the restroom, he reportedly struck bouncer Phillip Young on his left shoulder, causing him to call a “code black” over the radio — alerting other bouncers to respond to the area. Young says Jordan swung at him as he was being escorted out once again, and after dodging the impact, he struck Jordan with a closed fist to Jordan’s right eyebrow, leaving a small laceration.

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Ladasha Bledsoe & Atalaya Lopez charged after blowing through roadblock, letting it flow.

23-year-old Atalaya Lopez drove through a barrage of emergency vehicles with flashing lights that were blocking the roadway for a police investigation on Donelson Pike early Monday morning in her Chevy Impala at a very high rate of speed. Officers eventually got the vehicle stopped near Knapp Road and observed her extreme level of intoxication and an open container in her cupholder. While she was being placed into custody for DUI, her passenger, 23-year-old Ladasha Bledsoe, repeatedly got in and out of the vehicle despite being told to stay inside the car. Bledsoe then got out a final time, dropped her pants, and exposed herself to police officers while urinating on the roadway. She was charged with indecent exposure.

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Layer Cake says Jack Zuckowsky is extorting them for $6,000 after taking their Instagram account

One of downtown Nashville’s hottest new concepts, Layer Cake, says downtown resident and already frequent customer, Jack Zuckowsky, is extorting the business for $6,000. #HowdItHappen? They kicked him out for being rowdy, and he took down their Instagram and social media accounts in retaliation. Text messages from the debauchee reveal he offered to restore access to their social media accounts in exchange for a $6,000 rooftop table package. The sweet details are inside…

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Jamie Morgan booked on charge of stealing school board campaign signs in Nashville

45-year-old Jamie Morgan self-booked this week on a citation charging her with the theft of campaign signs of MNPS School Board candidate Todd Pembroke. Police say that after repeated thefts, a tracker was placed inside some of the signs by the campaign, and they were tracked to her address on Anchorage Drive. Police accompanied the candidate to the pinged location and issued her a citation, and retrieved dozens of signs. During that visit, Morgan lifted her shirt and flashed the candidate, made obscene gestures, and caused quite the scene, which was captured on video (below, in story). Morgan stated she did this for “political reasons.” On her social media, Morgan describes herself as a “Nashville based bipolar pagan intuitive; rape, sexual abuse, trauma survivor; retired drunk trying to be a better mom.”

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Dustin Dunham was running naked in the city; Elizabeth Carson says not in her neighborhood!

Elizabeth Lyall Carson called police in a tizzy Tuesday, stating that a “homeless man on drugs and with mental issues” was running naked on the sidewalk near Hillwood High School around 6 p.m. We’re not sure why she believed the man, identified as 35-year-old Dustin Dunham, had mental health issues, was homeless, or was on drugs, but she was adamant about it to police and in dozens of social media comments after she posted his naked photo online. In fact, she says when she drove back by a few minutes later, he was wearing shorts and shoes. When police arrived, he was clothed, so Elizbeth had to become the private prosecutor on the case, and he was charged with indecent exposure. We’re told Carson was “excited and proud” to swear out the warrant on the man, as she shared her adventure to her friends on social media, which includes nearly every judge, politician, and Belle Meade resident in the city.

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DUI: David Iturriaga crashes into pole after leaving Alley Pub

28-year-old David Iturriaga crashed his vehicle in the early hours of Saturday morning after leaving Alley Pub on Hwy 70 South. He told officers he consumed 2-3 alcoholic drinks at the bar prior to leaving and crashing his vehicle into a utility pole, causing the pole and wires to fall to the ground. He would later blow a 0.125% BAC on a breathalyzer as he was booked into custody and charged with DUI.

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Adam Stanley bounced from Losers Bar & Grill, but couldn’t stay away

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative Saturday night responded to Losers Bar & Grill in downtown Nashville for an altercation between bar staff and 44-year-old Adam L Stanley. Stanley was trespassed from the location and went about his night. A half-hour later, Stanley returned to the location and attempted to enter, despite just being trespassed and told not to return. He was transported to booking and charged with criminal trespass.

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Nashville alcohol: 1; Breanna Stuckey: 0. Too intoxicated for downtown Nashville.

Metro Nashville Police say 23-year-old Breanna Stuckey was extremely intoxicated in downtown Nashville this weekend. How intoxicated was she? At 1201 Broadway, a citizen named Brian was sitting in his car when Stuckey walked thru the parking lot and just laid down in front of his car. She then got up and attempted to get into vehicles that were not hers. When police attempted to assist her, she was not coherent with her words and could not form complete sentences. She wasn’t sure where she was, who she was with, or where she was staying. She reeked of alcohol and had trouble remaining steady while standing.

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Lawsuit says Jack Zuckowsky kept tens of thousands of dollars in bitcoin that wasn’t his

In a newly filed lawsuit in Nashville, New York resident Devin Zhou says he sent nearly 1.3 BTC (Bitcoin) to the wrong Bitcoin wallet in October of 2020. Instead of the intended recipient, Zhou says he accidentally sent the equivalent of around $27,000 (at the current value) to Nashvillian & founder of ghost company “Social Summit” Jack Zuckowsky by selecting the last person he had sent money from his ‘recent’ transactions instead of inputting the wallet address of the intended recipient. In addition to the value of the bitcoin, he is being sued for an additional $15,000 related to not returning the money. The lawsuit alleges he voluntarily returned a fraction of the money after prior requests were made to him.

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James ‘Chip’ Selewski charged with DUI after 6 bourbon-based drinks with dinner

41-year-old James ‘Chip’ Selewski self-booked for a citation this week, charging him with a DUI from late July. Police say he was driving home from Mother’s Ruin just after 9 p.m. after having “5 to 6 bourbon-based drinks” with dinner. He proceeded to roll his vehicle in a crash at 6th & Monroe. First responders say he reeked of alcohol and was “violently vomiting” as they pulled him from the vehicle. He was transported to Vanderbilt, and due to being admitted for medical treatment, he was issued a citation in lieu of arrest.

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Brad Price attempts to trade a $20 bill for his freedom from Metro Nashville Police

39-year-old Brad Price and his friend Cody Stout, who were both visiting from Ohio, were kicked out of a Broadway bar Saturday evening and returned later in the night, attempting to re-enter the bar while causing a disturbance with staff. Security alerted police, who attempted to place Price into custody for trespassing. He initially walked away from officers and then attempted to place a $20 bill in the pocket of the arresting officer in an attempt to walk away from the situation. During a search incident to arrest, a white powdery substance believed to be cocaine was located in a baggie in Price’s pocket.

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Tourist Cody Allen Stout wouldn’t stop asking strangers for drugs in downtown bar #GotDrugs?

28-year-old Cody Allen Stout, who visited Nashville from Ohio this weekend, was determined to find more than alcohol when he visited Jason Aldean’s Kitchen + Rooftop Bar early Saturday evening around dinner time. Security at the location says he annoyed both staff and other patrons while attempting to purchase drugs, asking everyone if they had any drugs available to sell him. He refused to leave when asked, and Metro Nashville Police took him into custody for criminal trespass.

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Kaitlyn Pilgrim found drunk & disorderly in downtown Nashville

21-year-old Kaitlyn Pilgrim took a tumble at 10:30 p.m. Friday near 2nd & Broadway as a result of her extreme level of intoxication. She was reportedly very combative with passersby, and when officers approached her, she cried, screamed, and swatted at them. She would quickly swap from being relaxed to inconsolable. She was belligerent with paramedics who attempted to assist her and aggressively pulled away from them. Due to her inability to care for herself, Pilgrim was taken into custody and transported to booking.

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Nathan Taylor too drunk for downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Friday night say 28-year-old Nathan Allen Taylor fell on the sidewalk in front of Legends Corner on Broadway and required a medical response from Nashville Fire. Once he was assisted by medics, Taylor declined transport to a local hospital to sober up and be further evaluated. He was unable to be left alone on the sidewalk, and he was unable to walk due to his level of intoxication and was an unreasonable annoyance to other citizens in the vicinity. Taylor was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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