Samson Mitchell calls 911 & asks to speak to the Chief of Police during his arrest

Goodlettsville Police responded to the Autumn Chase Apartments at 4 a.m. after a resident reported that her upstairs neighbor was beating on her door with a baseball bat, describing him as a white male in jeans and cowboy boots. Officers arrived at the location and located 21-year-old Samson Mitchell, who matched the description of the subject of the call, and who was intoxicated. He told police he was beating on the door of the apartment because he was assaulted by a “meth head” who he believed to live there, described as a black man with long hair. Officers met with the residents of that apartment, who did not match the description of his alleged assailant.

When further questions about what transpired, Mitchell became uncooperative and belligerent. He then used his phone to call 911 and asked to speak to the Chief of Police. As officers attempted to place him under arrest for public intoxication and disorderly conduct, he walked away, and once cuffed, he locked his legs together in an attempt to prevent being placed in a patrol car.

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Tourist Michael Hraber too intoxicated for downtown Nashville — arrested

45-year-old Michael Hraber was found in the lobby of the Hilton downtown on 4th Ave just before 3 a.m. Wednesday. He was extremely intoxicated in the lobby and causing loud disruptions to everyone in the vicinity. Hraber was, indeed, staying at a Hilton property, as evidenced by the keycard in his hand, but it wasn’t THIS Hilton. The hotel staff could not determine which property he was registered at, and he was unable to tell officers and denied their assistance in using his phone to call someone to assist him. With all other options exhausted and his intoxication still at a high level, Hraber was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Is that a half-pound of marijuana, or are you just happy to see me? — Charles Williams arrested

Metro Nashville Police Sergeant Jason Sweeney was traveling on Briley Parkway Tuesday when 25-year-old Charles Williams sped past him. Sweeney sped up beside the vehicle and hit the siren to get the driver’s attention, and flashed his hand with all five fingers up twice to signal “fifty-five,” attempting to indicate the speed limit. Williams waived back at the officer and continued to travel at 70 mph in the 55 mph zone. The officer then conducted a traffic stop and immediately smelled marijuana. He asked Williams if he had any marijuana in the car, to which he replied “no.” He then admitted he had “a blunt” in the vehicle, causing the officer to initiate a search. Upon being told his car was being searched, Williams further disclosed there was actually a half-pound of marijuana in his backpack. A search revealed 238.7 grams of marijuana, digital scales, plastic baggies, and cigarillos. Williams continued to speak to the Sergeant and admitted he had sold marijuana to “two people” in the last month.

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Robert Harris charged with smashing pregnant girlfriend’s face into dashboard during argument

28-year-old Robert Harris was charged with domestic assault early Tuesday morning after his girlfriend disclosed to police that Robert had slammed her face into the dashboard of his vehicle during an argument and then strangled her while pushing her against the passenger seat. The victim, Ivy Shoults, who is also pregnant, refused all medical assistance and seemed only to suffer injuries to her lip, which was busted and bleeding. Officers became aware of the couple as their vehicle was parked in the grass near Donelson Pike and Murfreesboro Road and conducted a welfare check. Harrs refused to answer any questions and was taken into custody.

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Gabriel Gallienm, 20, drunk and disorderly at Duke Street AirBNB in Nashville

Just before 1 a.m. Tuesday, Metro Nashville Police responded to an AirBNB on Duke Street for a reported disorderly person. Officers made contact with several others nearby the AirBNB unit along with the subject of the call, 20-year-old Gabriel Gallien, who was extremely intoxicated and belligerent. While several people in the area stated Gallien had assaulted another person, no one would speak directly with police from the AirBNB unit, and all but one left the scene. Officers were content with leaving the area after the one remaining friend had mostly calmed him down, but as officers were preparing to clear the scene, Gallien pushed his way past the remaining friend and ran into the common area between the rental units. He then continued to yell, curse, and scream while waking up people in other units and causing a scene. As officers were placing him into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct, Gallien refused to comply and pulled away multiple times before being restrained.

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Nashfamous ‘Cougar’ Shawna Lynn on Tiktok & ‘OF’ assaults daughter’s boyfriend with hammer, per report

When Metro Nashville Police located the 28-year-old victim, he was found with apparent hammer injuries to his collar bone and neck area from an assault. He explained he and his girlfriend currently live with her mother, 49-year-old Shawna Baker, or ‘ShawnaLynn’ as her hundreds of thousands of fans across TikTok, Instagram, and OnlyF*ns, better know her. He was in his bedroom when he says Baker was “very intoxicated” and believed he was laughing at her from the bedroom. She then reportedly armed herself with a hammer and began to strike the door, which he had now closed and locked out of fear of his own life. At one point, he opened the door to escape and found Baker standing at the door, hammer at her waist, blocking his exit. As he pushed her to make a rush to exit the house, he was tackled, the two rumbled, and he was struck with the hammer. He was able to escape to another location and contact the police. Baker was charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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Robin Underwood charged with DUI after South Nashville crash

Metro Nashville Police say 41-year-old Robin Underwood collided with another vehicle near Old Hickory and Edmonson Pike. As officers approached Underwood in the driver’s seat of her vehicle, they reportedly smelled alcohol and she admitted to drinking “two beers” before driving. She stated she was having chest pain so was transported to the hospital, where she was cleared. After she was released from the hospital, she was asked to do field sobriety tests, which she performed poorly on. She was transported to booking and charged with DUI.

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John Underdown, 60, charged with public intoxication in downtown Nashville

60-year-old John Underdown entered a building on 1st Ave S. in downtown Nashville late Saturday night while highly intoxicated. Security asked him to leave as he was becoming disorderly, and he refused to leave the property. Metro Nashville Police officers arrived to observe Underdown yelling and cursing at security. After he continued to refuse to go on about his night, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Richard Jones: drunk and lost in downtown Nashville

46-year-old Richard Jones was found “walking aimlessly around the parking garage” near the Bridgestone Arena late Saturday night for an extended period of time. When approached by officers, he was extremely intoxicated and slurring his speech. He had keys in his hand as if he was searching for a vehicle. When asked how much he had to drink, he replied “a lot.” He was alone and unable to care for himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Dylan Ray to cop: “If I punched you in the gut would you take me to jail?” — smile for your mugshot

After Metro cleared a possible domestic disturbance as just a matter of record in the early hours of Sunday morning at a hotel on Music Valley Drive, one of the subjects of the call, 36-year-old Dylan Chase Ray, wasn’t happy that the call was ending peacefully and without anyone going to jail. He was intoxicated throughout the incident and continued to prod at officers and a security guard at the location. As they were attempting to wrap the call, Ray asked, “If I punched you in the gut, would you take me to jail?” and “If I got into it with this guy [security guard], would you take me to jail?”, and other similar and relentless questions pertaining to violent behavior. Officers were escorting him back into the hotel for the evening in hopes of closing the incident without an arrest, but Ray then continued in very loud protest of no one being arrested on the call. Eventually, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication after he refused to go inside for the evening.

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Tiffany Williams charged after busting girlfriend’s nose; breaking vases and pots in rage

31-year-old Tiffany Marie Williams is charged with the assault of her girlfriend, Rebecca Page-Dolnick. Officers arrived at their Walton Lane residence to find Rebecca bleeding from the bridge of her busted nose and an assortment of broken pots and vases. The victim says the couple had an argument when Williams suddenly attacked her. She attempted to defend herself, but not before she was punched in the nose. Williams admits they were in an argument but states she had been drinking and wasn’t sure of many details.

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Kaitlyn Bear charged with public intoxication at Noble’s Bar in East Nashville

26-year-old Kaitlyn Bear was found sitting in the parking lot of Noble’s Bar in East Nashville late Monday night as police were dispatched to the location in response to an extremely intoxicated female. She had slurred speech and reeked of alcohol, according to police, and had difficulty standing on her own. Officers attempted to assist her in finding a ride home, but she refused all offers of assistance. She was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Asya Hangul charged with DUI after crash on I-65 overnight

22-year-old Asya Hangul called 911 just after 10 p.m. Monday night and stated she had just hit another vehicle but that vehicle and taken off from the scene. As Officers responded to another crash a half-mile before this one, it quickly became apparent that Hangul was the driver of the car that did both the crashing and the fleeing. She told police she was coming from a bar but had not been drinking. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and smelled of alcohol. She was charged with DUI.

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DUI: Kevin Meyers crashes into pole downtown while arguing with his girlfriend

Metro Nashville Police received a call Saturday that a vehicle crashed downtown at 4th & Deadrick, and the involved parties were being “disorderly” in the street. Officer arrived to find 30-year-old Kevin Meyers and his girlfriend Kaitlin Pharris outside the car, which he had just driven into a utility pole. Witness Mike Moore says he watched the couple get into the car, and it quickly took off at a high rate of speed and crashed. Kaitlin told police the couple had been downtown drinking, and she told him not to drive, but he was persistent. Kevin says he was arguing with his girlfriend and “pushed the gas pedal a little too hard,” causing the crash. Police say Kevin reeked of alcohol and charged him with DUI.

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Jeshua Torrens charged after fighting outside Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Saturday encountered 26-year-old Jeshua Torrens as he was attempting to fight random people who were walking outside of Kid Rock’s Bar. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and appeared extremely intoxicated. As he was being arrested for public intoxication, Torrens balled up his fist and attempted to punch Officer Cottrill and then tensed up his body and used his legs to resist being placed in the back of a patrol car.

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NY Cop Jesse Calgcagni jailed after assaulting off-duty MJPD cop working security downtown

A Mount Juliet Police Officer working a security job at a downtown Nashville bar late Saturday night says the security team was escorting a patron out of the venue when a member of that patron’s friend group, 31-year-old off-duty NY police officer Jesse Calgcagni, became aggressive and jumped on the back of one of the security staff members and began to push the others. He was quickly tackled and escorted downstairs and restrained by security in the alley until Metro Nashville Police Officers arrived. They noted he reeked of alcohol and was repeatedly yelling, “Are you Metro?” Calcagni was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Andrew Norelli jailed after interfering with the arrest of his friend, an off-duty cop, in downtown Nashville

32-year-old Andrew Norelli and several friends became “very upset” in downtown Nashville Saturday night when Metro Nashville Police arrested a member of their friend group, who is an off-duty police officer from New York, after he assaulted an off-duty police officer working security at Valentine’s Bar. Once the friend had been handcuffed and placed into a patrol car, Norelli became hostile to officers demanding to know what occurred and approaching the door of the transport car. He continued to be aggressive to police and others and took a fighting stance when asked to cooperate and calm down. After refusing to stay out of the way of the incident, Norelli was also taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

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DUI: Hugh Hoagland crashes into fence downtown, denies crash ever happened

Metro Nashville Police responded to an automobile crash just after 1 a.m. Sunday morning at the railroad crossing downtown at 2nd Ave near Gay St. 23-year-old Hugh Hoagland had driven his vehicle into a fence on the opposite side of the road from his lane of travel. He was found slumped over the driver’s seat and was eventually awakened by knocking on the window. He admitted he had been drinking “around here” but continued to deny he had crashed into the fence where he sat and even denied that there was ever a crash. He attempted field sobriety tests but stopped them after starting.

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Belle Meade DUI: Eric Grimsley believed he was in Sumner County

34-year-old Eric Grimsley was charged with DUI late Saturday night after he was initially pulled over for a broken headlight and swerving on the roadway. As Officer Hayley Doty approached the vehicle and spoke with Grimsley, she smelled alcohol and noted his slurred speech. He became argumentative during field sobriety tests and eventually refused to complete them. Despite the traffic stop occurring in Belle Meade, Grimsley stated he believed he was in Sumner County.

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Brendan Dixson charged after being drunk and disorderly in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative Fright night encountered 27-year-old Brendan Dixon attempting to get into a closed business on Broadway while yelling and banging on the door. He was asked to move along and enjoy his evening but continued to cause a distraction to other patrons walking by. He left momentarily but moments later returned to bang on the door again. Due to his level of intoxication and propensity to continue to damage property and be a public annoyance, Dixson was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Matt Visser charged in assault of Play Dance Bar Bouncer: smashed his glasses & destroyed them

31-year-old Matt Visser is charged with assault and vandalism after he reportedly “snatched the glasses from the head” bouncer Jelani Kimber at Play Dance Bar early Sunday morning. Kimber says the man then twisted his glasses until they were broken, shattered, and missing pieces. The assault came after Visser was asked to leave due to his level of intoxication and behavior inside the bar. Earlier on social media, Visser had commented on how LGBT bars were becoming “zoos for bachelorette parties.”

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Bachelorette Brigade Bridesmaid arrested in downtown Nashville — Alexandra Savage

25-year-old Alexandra Savage was in charge of the #BrideTribe this weekend, which traveled to Nashville to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Hailey Cooper and Will Hewett. As the chief planner of the bachelorette brigade, she created a vibrant social media campaign to #BuyHerAShotShesTyingTheKnot and #HypedToBeAHewett, complete with a graphics package and associated Venmo account. The party arrived in Nashville and continued to the Valentine on Broadway Saturday night, where security eventually asked Savage to vacate the premises due to her extreme level of intoxication and ‘over the topness.” She initially left but returned moments later and was detained until Metro Police took her into custody, charging her with public intoxication and criminal trespass.

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