Jordan Higgins smashes ex-wife’s windshield when she picks him up at airport

When 44-year-old Jordan Higgins was picked up by his ex-wife at the Nashville International Airport on October 18th, the pair argued and were immediately disagreeable. Jordan became so upset he struck the windshield of Olivia’s car, breaking it, and injuring his hand. The two then continued their journey back to their shared residence in Murfreesboro but only got to Donelson Pike and Airport Center Drive before they were involved in an automobile crash. As officers inquired about the broken windshield, Jordan admitted to smashing it, and stated he’d “rather hurt something material than his wife.”

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DUI: Mark Newman found asleep behind the wheel at an intersection in Antioch

Metro Nashville Police located 40-year-old Mark Newman asleep behind the wheel of his vehicle at the intersection of Murfreesboro Pike and Bell Road just before 1 a.m. Wednesday, where he had been for at least 20 minutes, according to calls from witnesses. The white Chevy Silverado was in drive, and Newman’s foot was on the brake. NFD medics woke Newman up, and he admitted to consuming “4-5 beers” at a bar prior to driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI.

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DUI: David Dybala charged after crashing on Broadway and fleeing the scene

Metro Nashville Police say 39-year-old David Dybala crashed his vehicle into another near 1100 Broadway Wednesday and fled the scene. Officer located him as he was driving away toward the interstate onramp. Officers approached the vehicle, which stopped, and Dybala exited without any prompting. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and had trouble standing. He refused field sobriety tests but was unable to follow simple instructions, such as sitting on a concrete slab.

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Brad Biwer charged after woman says he punched her and touched her without consent

Anne Maus was at a house party where her boyfriend was performing in December of 2017, where she says she was dancing when 28-year-old Bradley Biwer rubbed up against her back. She says she told him to stop, and she continued dancing when only moments later, Biwer returned from behind and grabbed her wrist. She says she once again told him to leave her alone, and that request was met with a punch from his fist to her face. Biwer fled the scene, and a warrant was later issued for his arrest after she identified him from a photo line-up. Biwer was booked on the outstanding charge this week.

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Nurse Jazmine Russell leaves boyfriend with injuries after domestic assault

29-year-old Jazmine Nicole Russell is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury of her boyfriend of two years, Seth Larson, after a neighbor called police about the commotion coming from their apartment. Police separated both parties, and Seth explained he was in bed and Jazmine was in the living room when she went through her phone and became upset, accusing him of lying. She then began to strike his back and neck, leaving visible injuries. Jazmine told police she only grabbed him to keep him from walking away when she talked to him. Though Seth did dot not want to prosecute, due to the injuries and the domestic relationship, Jazmine was determined to be the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

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Jarret Glenn kicks cop in mouth during arrest at Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville

27-year-old Jarret Evan Glenn was kicked out of Kid Rock’s Bar early Thursday morning in downtown Nashville due to his extreme level of intoxication. He reportedly kicked and punched multiple members of the security staff. He was detained by security and was rolling around on the ground, making threatening statements. Officers placed Glenn into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct. As he was being placed into the transport car, Glenn began kicking at officers and firmly planted his foot onto the mouth of Officer Brenton Adcox, resulting in a minor injury and an additional charge for Glenn

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Tourist Weston Porter arrested in Nashville after being drunk & disorderly downtown

22-Weston Porter was outside of Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville late Friday night as he approached Metro Nashville Police officers working in the area and shoulder-checked them while telling them there was a fight in the area. He bumped into the elbows and shoulders of multiple officers while causing a disturbance among the general public in the area. The only person attempting to fight in the area was Porter. Officers advised him to move along and go home, but Porter refused and continued to be drunk and disorderly. As police explained he was being taken into custody for public intoxication, Porter pulled away and resisted arrest. Once in custody, Porter repeatedly asked why he was cuffed, if it was illegal to be drunk in Nashville on a Friday night, and stated that he had been drinking beer.

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DUI: Joshua Snyder blows 0.243% BAC, tells police he’s “too drunk to drive”

25-year-old Joshua Snyder blew over three times the legal limit on a breathalyzer after crashing his vehicle on Blackman Road. Officers responded to find his vehicle in a ditch and Snyder extremely intoxicated. He admitted to drinking “a few beers” at a bar in downtown Nashville and that he “messed up” and was “too drunk to drive,” according to the officers. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and blew a 0.243% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Michael Bostic had the right to remain silent, just not the ability

27-year-old Michael Tanner Bostic is charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct after he interrupted an officer on an unrelated call and caused a commotion accusing her of theft. Officers were at Fox & Hound on Rivergate Parkway on an unrelated call when a female exited the bar with Bostic behind her, claiming she stole $200 from him and kept interfering with the original call for service. He was highly intoxicated and refused all requests to call down and wait his turn. He eventually calmed down and walked away, only to re-engage in the disorderly behavior as the female was speaking to the police. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

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Songwriter Jessica Sirls tosses water on husband after “heated argument”

Stephen Giordano says an argument with his 37-year-old wife, Jessica (Giordano) Sirls, “got heated,” resulting in her throwing a plastic cup of water at him and scratching him on his arm. Metro Nashville Police responded to the Charlotte Pike apartment and met with the victim, Stephen, who presented with redness on his forearm, which police say was consistent with someone being scratched or gripped tightly by someone with long nails. There was also a slightly visible three-inch welt on his neck. Jessica, who is an actress and songwriter based in Nashville, admitted to throwing water at her husband, pushing him, and slapping him. She was transported to booking and charged with domestic assault with bodily injury.

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Shayleigh Cook charged with public intoxication in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative on 2nd Ave. in downtown Nashville made contact with 30-year-old Shayleigh Cook, who was lying down on the sidewalk next to her vomit and appeared to be extremely intoxicated. She was unable to assist with determining anyone she was with downtown or where she was staying. Cook was taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking.

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DUI: Jagger Thomas admits to “two tequila margaritas” before two crashes

24-year-old Jagger Thomas claims he was “looking for his girlfriend who has been assaulted” when he crashed his white Honda Civic into a black Ford Mustang on the railroad tracks in the 600 block of 26th Ave. North late Tuesday night. He admitted to drinking and to the crash being his fault. The vehicle he crashed into was driven by Tyron Allen, who says Jagger actually first hit him on Charlotte Ave. and fled, causing him to follow Jagger to this location, where he crashed again. Jagger told police he consumed “two tequila margaritas” prior to driving and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. On the way to Metro General for a blood draw, Jagger again spoke about how drunk he was.

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Jennifer Kendrick too rowdy for Redneck Riviera in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police were called to Redneck Riviera after bar staff reported that 38-year-old Jennifer Lynn Kendrick was being unruly and needed to be removed from the property. Officers arrived to find her extremely intoxicated and spoke to her on the sidewalk after escorting her from the venue. She was unable to stand on her own and dropped her phone, and she swayed back and forth. Kendrick was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Jahya Maxwell attempted to rob Rivergate 7-Eleven, ended up throwing donuts around the store

Police say 18-year-old Jahya Maxwell came to the 7-Eleven on Long Hollow Pike, where she is no longer employed, and attempted to get into the cash register. She pushed two current employees, Reade Herskovitz and Shellie Vickers, and assaulted him. When she was unable to get into the cash register, she threw a cup of water at Herskovitz and knocked over a chip rack. In a final act of frustration, Maxwell emptied the donuts from the donut case and threw them around the store.

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