Daniel Alarcon, 18, drinks an entire bottle of liquor, would rather go to jail than hospital

18-year-old Daniel Alarcon was initially sent to Skyline Hospital for treatment when officers encountered him due to his young age and extreme level of intoxication. Upon arrival at the hospital, he became extremely belligerent and refused to obey any directives from medical staff. Officers attempted to de-escalate the situation so he wouldn’t have to go to jail, but he refused all attempts and continued to disrupt the usual business of the hospital. He was eventually placed into custody after he stated he would “rather go to jail than stay in the hospital.” Once they attempted to place him in cuffs, he stated he wanted to “just go home” instead. Alarcon admitted to drinking an entire bottle of liquor.

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Andrew Guinn charged with DUI after drinking at Mexican restaurant

36-year-old Andrew Guinn told police he had “2-3 Miller Lite bottles” at a Mexican restaurant before crashing his car into an embankment just before 1 a.m. Sunday. Guinn stated he was on his way home when another vehicle crossed the center line, causing him to swerve off the road. Officers say he was extremely intoxicated, and the inside of the vehicle smelled strongly of alcohol. He was transported to booking, where he later blew a 0.169% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Misty Fain assaults husband as he “falls out” of car in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the downtown district observed David Moore suddenly fall out of the passenger seat of a vehicle driven by his wife, 45-year-old Misty Fain, at the intersection of Korean Veterans Blvd & Hermitage Ave. As he fell out of the vehicle, she put the vehicle in park, then drove forward a few feet, then repeated this a few times until officers activated their emergency equipment, at which time she fled the scene at a high rate of speed, leaving her husband on the ground in the middle of an intersection. The victim explained he was originally driving when they began to argue over the directions to Boot Barn. As the argument escalated, he stopped the car and scooted to the passenger seat as his wife walked around and got in the driver’s seat. At some point, she was yelling and screaming and began to hit and assault him, breaking his glasses. He called 911 and she demanded he exit the car, and he ended up on the ground. Officers documented multiple cuts, scrapes, and scratches to the victim’s face, and broken glasses.

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Joshua Murner breaks into ex-girlfriend’s home, assaults two people, throws food from fridge

Police say 27-year-old Joshua Murner went to the River Road home of Stevie Voss, who is his ex-girlfriend, just before 5 a.m. on a Sunday in late September, just two days after she ended the relationship. A camera captured him entering at 4:45 a.m., at which time he was yelling and screaming while heavily intoxicated. Voss says he grabbed her by the neck with both hands in an attempt to strangle her, then grabbed her wrists and bicep, leaving more bruises. Elizabeth O’Brien witnessed the assault and attempted to stop him, causing Murnder to grab her by both wrists, also injuring her. In the ten minutes before Murner fled the scene, and before police arrived, Murner also punched holes in four doors and took all of the food from the refrigerator, and threw it across the home, along with shattering glass across the floor. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked into jail Monday morning.

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DUI: Katherine Webb says she didn’t drink any of the 20 “vodka shooters” inside her crashed car

Police say they found around twenty 50ml “vodka shooters” in the crashed vehicle of 25-year-old Katherine Webb after she crashed into a block wall on Reynolds Road Saturday evening, deploying all of her airbags. Webb was still inside the vehicle and refused to open or unlock her doors. First responders had to break out a window to enter the vehicle and get her transported for medical treatment. Webb claimed she only had 2 shots of vodka earlier but did not consume any of the “vodka shooters” inside the vehicle. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI.

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Alejandro Wright rips shirt off in wild rage against girlfriend in downtown Nashville

31-year-old Alejandro Grant Wright was at the intersection of 4th & Broadway Saturday when police say he was in a “heated verbal argument” with his girlfriend, Valeria Galvan. He was reportedly irate and causing such a scene that he drew the attention of all the citizens in the immediate downtown area. Wright then ripped off his shirt and walked aggressively at his girlfriend as officers intervened to prevent any physical assault from happening. Galvan says she was in fear of being hurt by Wright.

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Xzavier Woods charged in assault of Jasoniesha McCullough, mother of his child

22-year-old Xzavier Woods was jailed this weekend on an outstanding warrant charging him with the domestic assault of the mother of his child. Jasoniesha McCullough told police that she and Xzaiver were arguing because he had recently started seeing other people romantically, despite the two still living together. Wood reportedly became extremely upset and started to walk out of the room when Jasoniesha says she attempted to stop him by standing in the doorway. Woods then reportedly grabbed her and threw her around, and tossed her to the ground, leaving her with abrasions on her face, neck, torso, and bother arms, as documented by police. He fled the scene before police arrived, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

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Anthony Flores charged after drunken antics at Losers Bar & Grill in downtown Nashville

26-year-old Anthony Rene Flores attempted to interfere with security at Losers Bar & Grill in downtown Nashville as they were detaining another individual late Saturday night. As Metro Police arrived to take the other individual into custody, Flores then began to interfere with the officers. Security relayed that before they detained Flores, he yelled and reach toward the back of his waistband, then balled up his fists, took a fighting stance, and lunched at the bouncers. Due to his extreme level of intoxication, Flores was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

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Tourist Will Maracich was not a winner at Losers Bar & Grill

24-year-old tourist William Maracich from South Carolina was detained by security at Losers Bar in downtown Nashville late Saturday night after he caused a disturbance in the bar due to his extreme level of intoxication. Police arrived in response to the disturbance and took Maracich into custody, at which time he resisted being cuffed. Once at booking, Maracich refused to exit the patrol car, resulting in officers carrying him into booking.

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Natalie Rodriguez charged with assaulting her mother, who asked her to go to the grocery store

23-year-old Natalie Rodriguez is charged with hitting her mother in the face and her body, reportedly upset her mother, Christina Valles, had asked her to go to the grocery store. Officers arrived at the Branch Oak Trail home Saturday afternoon, where the mother reported she had asked Natalie to get food and household supplies for her two juvenile children. Natalie reportedly became verbally aggressive and hostile, eventually escalating to assaulting her mother, leaving her with some injuries, which were documented by responding officers. Christina’s husband separated the two until police arrived.

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Jackson Martin has “no idea” how a key fob to a stolen car got into his pants

20-year-old Jackson Martin says he was just “out walking his dog” and was never inside any stolen vehicle, and has no idea how the key fob to the stolen vehicle got inside his pants pocket. That’s what Martin told police as Dawn Smith’s stolen Lexus was pinged to a Players Court address Saturday. Martin had reportedly driven the vehicle to the location for someone to repair a broken headlight. Multiple people at the location confirmed that Martin drove the vehicle there and observed him in the driver’s seat.

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Chase Jenkins walks to store for “water and gum” after DUI crash in North Nashville

25-year-old Chase Jenkins crashed into another vehicle Friday night in North Nashville, then casually exited his vehicle and went to a nearby convenience store for “water and gum” while the woman in the impacted vehicle remained in her driver’s seat. Officers located him standing near the doors of the gas station and say he reeked of alcohol. As he was walked back to the scene of the accident, he reportedly told officers he had drank three beers in the three hours prior to driving. He attempted field sobriety tests, but they had to be terminated for his own safety due to his level of intoxication.

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Tristan Winters uses rope and paperclips in attempt to break into ex-girlfriend’s apartment

Police responded to a Lebanon Pike apartment in the early hours of Saturday morning to find 19-year-old Tristan Winters, also known as artist Elis Cole, attempting to break into the apartment of his ex-girlfriend, Gabrielle Orr. Winters had a rope and paperclips, which he had fashioned into lock-picking tools. Winters explained that the two had an argument, and he came to the victim’s apartment to talk to her. When she didn’t answer the door, he used the roper to try to climb up and onto the balcony but was unsuccessful. He then used the paperclips to attempt to unlock her door but admitted he “wasn’t very good at it.” Winters was taken into custody and charged with felony attempted aggravated burglary. The victim says she was in fear of him due to threats he has made to her life in the past.

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Angela Hurt pulls revolver & begins countdown, threatens to shoot man over parking space

Curtis Patel was returning to his car, which he had parked in the alley near 8th Ave South, when he was suddenly confronted by 45-year-old Angela Hurt Gordon was irate and yelling and screaming about him parking “in her spot.” As Curtis got into his car to leave, she threw something at his windshield and kicked the side of his vehicle. She went back inside, and as he backed out of the area, a Belmont security officer made contact with him. While they were speaking, Angela came back out of her house holding a revolver, which she pointed in the air and threatened to shoot him. She began a backward countdown from 10, causing Curtis to flee the immediate area as police arrived to observe Angela still armed and screaming.

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Kam Elder smashes boss’s car with shopping cart after he’s fired from Walmart

Police say 19-year-old Kameron Elder picked up a shopping cart and threw it onto the windshield, fender, and hood of his Walmart manager’s vehicle after she terminated his employment. Christina Korous says after she fired Elder for performance-related issues, he was observed on security cameras approaching her Honda Civic in the parking lot. He pushed a shopping cart toward the car, picked up the cart, and used it to smash the vehicle. Damage was estimated at $5,000.

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Krysta Swanson found drunk and half-clothed in Nashville Airport bathroom

25-year-old Krysta Swanson was found passed out in a bathroom stall at the Nashville International Airport Friday morning. Airport Police located her slumped over and halfway clothed, with all of her belonging scattered on the floor of the bathroom. Offices say she was difficult to wake and appeared extremely intoxicated with slurred speech and a strong odor of alcohol coming from her breath. She stated she believed she was in Maine and not Nashville. She was taken into custody for public intoxication and seen at Summit Hospital prior to booking after she slammed her head into the partition of the patrol car, causing a laceration to her forehead.

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Tamas Mate charged after starting fight with bouncers & others on Broadway in Nashville

21-year-old Tamas Mate was in a fight with bouncers at Rippy’s Honky Tonk late Saturday night, according to offices working the Entertainment District Initiative on Broadway in downtown Nashville. As officers were arriving, Mate had left the bar and began to get into another fight just a few feet away. He was reportedly unsteady on his feet and in a “state of confusion,” according to an arrest warrant. He even fell over onto the ground during one of the altercations. Due to his level of intoxication, Mate was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Eries Banks charged in assault at Rivergate Marathon

Albens Polynice says he was inside the Marathon gas station on Rivergate Parkway paying for his purchase when 23-year-old Eries Banks came in and began punching him and yelling at him in a surprise attack. Banks is the cousin of Polynice’s girlfriend. Polynice says the incident stemmed from an earlier situation between himself and Banks’ mother. The fight transitioned to the parking lot, and the victim sustained injuries to his left arm, leg, and a head injury.

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Ning Wang continues to show up at ex-wife’s home, refuses to leave

54-year-old Ning Wang is charged with aggravated criminal trespass after police say he showed up at the back door of his ex-wife’s residence on Tyne Blvd and refused to leave on November 2nd. He continued to knock on the back door, demanding to be let in, despite having not lived there in quite some time. Officers responded to similar incidents several times this year, the most recent in October, and Wang understood he was not allowed to be on the property but continued to return.

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