Franklin Boykins charged with stolen gun & marijuana after BNA traffic stop

Nashville Airport Police say they observed a tan Plymouth Neon traveling at a high rate of speed with window tint darker than Tennessee law allows. A traffic stop was initiated on the vehicle driven by Hakeem Turnipseed, which revealed 19-year-old Frankin “Big Frank” Boykins was in the passenger seat. Both of the men had identification from the state of Mississippi. Turnipseed told officers he had to urinate, and that was the reason for the high speed. Officers reportedly smelled marijuana, and Boykins handed over a blunt and stated he had a backpack with more marijuana inside. A search of the car and Boykins’s backpack revealed a stolen handgun and 1 oz of marijuana.

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Joy Newman storms into her ex’s home, screams she wants the blood of another woman

Let’s set the scene: Claude Hudgens and Jamella Garrett live together in an apartment in Madison. Joy Newman previously lived in the apartment with them. Claude and Joy were previously in a dating relationship. On November 7th, police responded to the apartment after Jamella stated she heard a loud noise at the door, and Claude opened it. 25-year-old Joy Newman pushed her way into the apartment while Claude attempted to restrain her from moving toward Jamella. Joy made her way to the kitchen, where she armed herself with a large kitchen knife for a short time before Claude disarmed her. Joy then got in Jamella’s face while screaming she wanted “her blood!”

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Jerome Dooley charged in aggravated assault of his girlfriend using his car; flees while cuffed

24-year-old Jerome Dooley is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he followed his girlfriend, Yani Gardley, and began striking her vehicle with his after the two got into an argument at Kroger on Nolensville Pike. He was reportedly upset over a key she had to his apartment. Officers observed damage to the victim’s car and detained Dooley, and handcuffed him, but he then fled the scene while cuffed. He was located a short time later and taken into custody, once again.

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Woman says husband, Tyler Meadows, threw her “around like a rag doll” in Nashville hotel

A hotel guest contacted Metro Nashville Police after hearing a physical fight in a nearby hotel room and knocked on the door. Officers arrived to find 38-year-old Tyler Justin Meadows, now outside of the hotel room, and his wife, Britney Meadows, was inside the room. Britney stated today was the first day Tyler put his hands on her but referenced a prior assault in their home state of Alabama. Britney had multiple bruises on her armed and legs, consistent with being grabbed, pushed, and impacting sites around the room. She was also bleeding from her foot and had bruising on her face. She stated her husband “threw her around like a rag doll” inside the hotel room. Tyler admitted to hitting and assaulting his wife after he was taken into custody. He was transported to jail, while she was transported to a local hospital for treatment.

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John White drunk and disorderly at Nashville Airport, shouting about NFL teams

47-year-old John White was charged with public intoxication at the Nashville International Airport on November 6th at 5:30 a.m. after airport police were dispatched to the SouthWest ticket counter, where he was shouting profanities and yelling at multiple other customers. As officers arrived, White was shouting about NFL teams and smelled strongly of alcohol. It was determined that White did not even have a ticket to fly out on SouthWest. Officers attempted to get White a taxi, but he became increasingly agitated with officers. He was given a final choice to leave the property in a rideshare or go to jail. White was booked and charged with public intoxication.

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Charles Harville charged in assault of juvenile on Halloween

25-year-old Charles Austin Harville was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Tuesday on outstanding warrants charging him with the Halloween assault of a juvenile victim, his girlfriend’s sister. The victim was in her room talking to a friend when she said Harville entered the room, demanding to know who she was speaking to, then took her phone and broke it. He reportedly “bucked up” to the victim before shoving her. She fell from the impact and suffered a bruise on her right shoulder and neck. A few moments later, Harville reportedly attacked her a second time while she was on the floor. Witnesses say he came up behind her and placed his arms around her neck in an attempt to strangle her. Harville fled the apartment before police could arrive, so warrants were issued for his arrest.

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Adam Wilson flees after DUI crash in East Nashville

Police say 37-year-old Adam Wilson crashed into another vehicle in East Nashville late Sunday night and then fled south on Gallatin Pike. Wilson was driving a Toyota Tacoma and had lost a tire and was dragging debris as he sped away from the accident scene. Eight minutes later, a citizen reported the Tacoma on his street, kicking up sparks as it hobbled along West Greenwood Avenue. The citizen observed Wilson get out of the truck and detained him until police arrived moments later. Wilson reeked of alcohol, and there was a half-drank can of beer in the center console.

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Tourist Whitney Busse charged in assault of her boyfriend during Nashville trip

43-year-old Whitney Ann Busse is charged with the domestic assault of her boyfriend, Ryan Langwald, during their trip to Nashville this week. Metro Nashville Police responded to the Drury Inn in downtown Nashville to find Ryan injured, and he explained the couple was in a verbal argument which escalated when he attempted to leave the location to de-escalate the situation. He says as he attempted to leave, Whitney blocked the door and pushed him into the deadbolt, causing a cut on his arm when he attempted to reach around her to open the door. Whitney says he was just trying to leave to go party, and she didn’t want him to miss his work meeting the next morning.

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Songwriter Brett Timukas found asleep on the sidewalk in the Gulch after CMA Awards

42-year-old Brett Timukas was found early Thursday morning sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk near the Pine Street Flats in The Gulch in downtown Nashville. Officers were able to awaken the man, who was visibly intoxicated, and he looked around and appeared confused. He wouldn’t confirm if he knew where he was, where he came from, or where he was going. He refused medical attention but wouldn’t answer any other questions. Timukas was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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A drunken Alyssa McCoy booted from Tootsie’s & wraps her legs around MNPD Officer Blake Lutz in assault

Police say 29-year-old Alyssa McCoy was ordered to leave Tootsie’s late Wednesday night due to her level of intoxication. She refused and demanded the bouncers explain to her why she had to leave. They attempted to escort her from the venue, at which point she became aggressive with them, and they detained her until the police arrived. Police were going to issue her a citation for the trespass and let her arrange a safe way home, but Alyssa McCoy refused to sign the citation or provide a fingerprint for it. As officers were placing her into physical custody, she used a car to push away from them. Once in handcuffs, McCoy wrapped her legs around Officer Blake Lutz and refused to let go. As officers separated her from his leg, she began to kick him multiple times.

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Dryson Gatlin charged in brutal hammer attack of girlfriend

Valenta Slaughter called 911 to report her boyfriend of three years, 27-year-old Dryson Vindrick Gatlin, had struck her with a hammer, and she requested an ambulance. Police arrived at their shared apartment on Glastonbury Road to find the victim with multiple hammer injuries with blood and cuts to her face and significant swelling to her head, along with bleeding. Officers located a bloody hammer on the living room floor, which was covered with broken glass and blood droplets. Gatlin was detained inside the apartment, where he claimed his girlfriend was the first one to brandish a hammer and attempted to strike him first. Gatlin had two cuts on two of his fingers of unknown origin. Gatlin refused to be placed in a patrol car but was eventually transported to booking.

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James Keithman deemed too drunk for downtown Nashville

36-year-old James Roberts Keithman was on Broadway in downtown Nashville when officers responded to a call from someone concerned about his level of intoxication. Officers located him at 315 Broadway, where he was stumbling and visibly intoxicated. Initially, officers attempted to help him get a ride home; however, while waiting for his ride he attempted to flee the area on foot and immediately face-planted on the sidewalk. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Tevin Hamilton offers cop $50 to let him go after found with gun at The 5 Spot in East Nashville

Police say 31-year-old Tevin Hamilton was at The 5 Spot bar with a gun on in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Officers arrived and met with a witness who stated that after the altercation, they witnessed Hamilton exit the bar, and he appeared to be again looking for the other person that was involved while carrying a gun in his waistband. The witness was able to negotiate for the gun and hold it until the police arrived so that no one would get injured. Officers arrived and located Hamilton inside the bar and extremely intoxicated and had two loaded Glock magazines in his pocket. As he was being transported to be charged with public intoxication and possessing a firearm in a bar, Hamilton told officers he lived nearby and offered $20 to let him out and walk home. Hamilton insisted on being let out of the car and raised his offer to $50 to let him walk home.

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Patricia Jackson says Captain America and Jesus told her she could go shirtless in public

Metro Nashville Police responded to Oldham Street early Tuesday morning to find 42-year-old Patricia Jackson wandering the property clothed in only shorts, with no shirt or bra. Officers demanded she put a shirt on in public. Jackson exclaimed that Captain America and Jesus told her it was fine not to wear a shirt, and refused to cloth herself. After multiple attempts and resolving the situation, she was eventually transported to booking and charged with indecent exposure.

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Karl Chandler pays for sex with MNPD undercover with cocaine during sting

Metro Nashville Police say 35-year-old Karl Chandler replied to an escort ad that was posted by officers Monday, where he agreed to exchange both money and some cocaine for a sexual act. As he arrived at the agreed-upon location and spoke with the undercover operative posing as a prostitute, he stated he didn’t bring any cash, just the cocaine. An agreement was reached for 1 gram of cocaine in exchange for oral sex, as he tossed the drugs on the bed. As he was taken into custody, officers located 5 additional grabs of hard cocaine and 5.5 grams of powder cocaine.

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DUI: Noah Farmer Narcan’d after passing out behind wheel of vehicle in downtown Nashville

24-year-old Noah Farmer was booked this week on an outstanding citation charging him with a 2021 DUI that he never appeared to self-book for. On Valentine’s Day in 2021, first responders responded to a person passed out behind the wheel of a running vehicle in downtown Nashville and found Farmer behind the wheel with the vehicle in drive. Officers had to bust out a window so medics could administer Narcan to revive Farmer. He was transported to the hospital for treatment and issued a citation for DUI.

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James Palmer gropes MNPD undercover after paying to have sex with her during a sting

53-year-old James Earl Palmer responded to an ad on Escort Alligator Monday morning, where he agreed to meet a woman in exchange for pleasure. Once he arrived at the location, he agreed on $80 for 15 minutes and then selected the upgrade package add-on of no condom, which brought the total to $120. He retrieved half from his pocket, handed her the cash, and immediately grabbed the woman, who was an undercover operative, in the buttocks and vagina. Police say there was no consent and charged Palmer with sexual battery and patronizing a prostitute. He is free on a $12,000 bond.

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Thomas A. Grooms charged with vandalizing stranger’s car in roadside rage

77-year-old Thomas A. Grooms is charged with vandalism after he caused $1,455.95 in damages to a stranger’s vehicle in a storage confrontation in 2020. The victim, Lauren Craven, was driving on Brightwood Ave when Grooms suddenly stepped out of his vehicle along the roadway and motioned for her to stop or slow down. Feeling uncomfortable, she says she slowed and moved to the right to create distance from Grooms. Grooms reportedly moved aggressively toward her vehicle, striking it until it was damaged, as recorded on the victim’s dash cam. She didn’t immediately want to prosecute, believing in good faith he would pay for the vandalism. When the issue remained unresolved, she sought the vandalism charge. He was booked on the warrant this week.

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Lovers lash out, unable to find a stripper to spend money on — Adrianna Scivally, arrested

21-year-old Adrianna Scivally and Joshiana Moore have been lovers for the past six years but are currently broken up, though they still live together. Early Saturday morning, the two were at Deja Vu on Church Street in Nashville, where they decided to spend their money on a specific dancer that they both had an interest in. However, when they couldn’t find that specific stripper, Scivally became irate and began to push and hit her on-again/off-again lover. She retrieved an iPad from the vehicle and hit the victim in the head with it, leaving a significant bruise on the victim. The two then had a fistfight in the parking lot until police arrived.

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Crispin Trejo charged after walking while drunk on the interstate, away from crashed car

32-year-old Crispin Espinoza Trejo was charged with public intoxication after police found him walking away from a car crash on the interstate. Officers responded at 2 a.m. Sunday after a citizen reported seeing the car crash and three individuals walking away on the interstate. Officers found Trejo on the side of the interstate, extremely intoxicated. Due to his inability to care for himself, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Tivie Greer sells cops fake cocaine on Broadway, brings actual drugs into jail with him

Undercover detectives working the downtown district Friday night approached 31-year-old Tivie Greer and asked to buy some cocaine from him. They agreed on $100, and the transaction occurred at 329 Broadway (Honky Tonk Central). Detectives moved in and took Greer into custody. The white powder he sold police was not actually cocaine or any known drug. Greer was transported to booking and left three small rocks in the patrol car as he exited. These were the actual cocaine and tested positive, along with two additional baggies and some marijuana that was found as he was being processed. Greer is charged with selling counterfeit drugs, possessing actual drugs, and bringing drugs into jail.

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