Mdamed Mohamed jailed after drunkenly trying to get into cars in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative on Broadway in downtown Nashville say 36-year-old Mdamed Mohamed was drunkenly attempting to get into multiple vehicles. As officers encountered him, he could barely stand up and could not answer any questions meaningfully. Officers attempted to locate an address to take him home but were unable to do so. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Stephanie Hiscock refuses to leave ex-girlfriend’s house, despite order of protection

39-year-old Stephanie Hiscock was at her ex-girlfriend’s house on December 4th when deputies served her with an order of protection filed by her girlfriend, Jennifer Roehl. Officers advised her she would have to leave the property or she would be in violation of the order. She was allowed multiple opportunities to leave the property but refused to do so. She was given a final warning to leave or be arrested, and she refused. Hiscock was taken into custody and charged with violating an active order of protection.

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DUI: Gary Henson was “hostile and belligerent” during arrest with handgun and drugs

19-year-old Gary Henson was involved in a single-vehicle rollover on the interstate late Friday night. First responders report smelling alcohol on Henson as they interacted with him and noted his slurred speech and bloodshot eyes. Henson was “belligerent and extremely uncooperative” with police. He admitted to smoking marijuana and drinking “one beer” just before the accident. Inside the vehicle, officers found a half-consumed bottle of Crown Royal and a baggie of marijuana. Field sobriety tests could not be completed due to his hostility. Henson was transported to booking and charged with the marijuana, possession of a firearm that was found in the vehicle, and driving under the influence.

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David Tabora pushes pregnant sister in smelly situation

19-year-old David Tabora is charged with the domestic assault of his pregnant sister, Melissa Tabora, after a rancid situation ended in him pushing her. Melissa says she is currently pregnant and extremely sensitive to smells. She also says her brother David hasn’t been showering regularly. When he entered the kitchen, she covered her nose to avoid getting nauseous. This offended David, who began a verbal argument. Their mother attempted to diffuse the situation, and David began to argue with her. When Melissa began recording with her cell phone, she says David attempted to grab her phone and pushed her one time before retreating to his room.

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DUI: Cindy Matlock Brown blows 0.234% BAC after East Nashville crash with injuries

61-year-old Cindy Matlock Brown rear-ended another vehicle on Gallatin Pike late Sunday evening, sending that driver to the hospital with injuries. Brown admitted to having “2 glasses of wine” while at a friend’s home in Donelson, and she was trying to make it back to her home near Belmont but got lost on the way home. She appeared not to know where she was, was unsteady on her feet, and was generally visibly intoxicated. She blew a 0.234% BAC on a breathalyzer, which is nearly three times the legal limit to drive in Tennessee.

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DUI: Parker Chittenden charged after driving wrong way on Murfreesboro Pike overnight

Police say 27-year-old Parker Chittenden was driving on the wrong side of Murfreesboro Pike, which is divided by a grassy median, in the early hours of Monday morning. A traffic stop was conducted, and it was immediately apparent to officers that Chittenden was heavily intoxicated. He initially admitted to consuming “two drinks” but later amended it to “four drinks” prior to driving. Police say he was both talkative and crying during their interaction. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI. He later blew a 0.112% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Andrew McSkimming punches Uber driver in both heads

25-year-old Andrew McSkimming is charged with the assault of his Uber driver, Abdelshahid Bishwy Bahgatayyad, after he punched him in the face and then punched him in the balls. The victim says they had arrived at the dropoff location, and McSkimming was extremely intoxicated and when he was asked to get out of the Uber, McSkimming punched the driver in the face.

Both parties then exited the vehicle as McSmimming began to hit the vehicle with his fists. McSkimming then punched the victim in the groin with his fist. Officers were issuing Andrew McSkimming a state citation for assault when he became combative with officers and continued his threatening behavior. They placed him into custody and transported him to booking.

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Bounced from Redneck Riviera, Jason Arwood climbs onto ‘Hell on Wheels’ military party bus

43-year-old Jason Arwood was being kicked out of Redneck Riviera on Broadway just after 7:30 p.m. Saturday in downtown Nashville. Officers were patrolling the area when they observed him just outside the bar, where he picked up food and began to throw it around as various things. Still in a rage, Arwood then ran up to the “Hell on Wheels” military party bus, climbing onto the side of it. Officers took control of the man and took him into custody for public intoxication.

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Dalton Holdman charged with DUI after Saturday crash

27-year-old Dalton Holdman was involved in a car crash Saturday and, when asked what happened, told police he didn’t remember and that everything was “still a blur.” He reportedly reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech during his interactions with officers. Inside the car, officers found an open beer can with only a small amount of liquid remaining inside. He was transported to Vanderbilt for minor injuries and later charged with driving under the influence (DUI).

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Matthew Cookston drank hand sanitizer on flight, touched a young girl, offered her tobacco

35-year-old Mathew Cookston reportedly was on an incoming flight to Nashville when multiple passengers reported he offered a minor female tobacco and then placed his hand on her inner thigh and moved it toward her groin. The victim immediately pushed his hand away and notified her mother and flight attendants, who moved the man to another seat. When the flight arrived at the gate, Airport Police made contact with the man, who was visibly intoxicated. He stated he had been in California at a drug & alcohol rehabilitation center but left early and flew home to Tennessee. When the crew refused to serve him alcohol on the plane, he drank hand sanitizer for the remainder of the flight. He was charged with public intoxication and released after an eight-hour hold with all charges dismissed.

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Florida man Nathaniel D’amico found wandering Broadway with broken teeth at sunrise

28-year-old Nathaniel Elias Damico was found standing in the middle of Broadway in downtown Nashville in the early daylight hours of Saturday morning, looking distraught and intoxicated. As officers stopped to check on his welfare, he approached them and stated he wanted to make a report of an assault. As they collected his ID for the report, they quickly realized he was the same person who had called 911 earlier to report his “teeth were broken,” requesting medical assistance. Nashville Fire Department medics responded to the scene, but when they arrived, Damico refused all treatment or transport. He changed the description of the suspect, who he claims assaulted him multiple times while telling the story to officers. After the report was completed, Damico remained very intoxicated and was unable to arrange a ride home nor confirm he even knew how to get home. Unable to leave him in his current state, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Bryan Wingate: “I can’t go back home to her!” as he’s kicked out of gay bar in Nashville

35-year-old Bryan Wingate was kicked out of Nashville’s largest gay nightclub, Play Dance Bar, in the early hours of Sunday morning. He was advised to leave and not return, but he remained on the property. Metro Nashville Police arrived to find Wingate unable to walk and with slurred speech. He told officers, “I can’t go back home to her,” then cursed at the officers, calling them “bitch, and “fucker.” He was yelling and screaming and attempting to fight bar staff. He was transported to booking. It is not known if he went back to ‘her’ after being released from jail.

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Man tracks stolen iPhone to hotel, MNPD responds & arrests thief, Horacio Rangel-Torres

Kelvin Chambliss Jr.’s $1,200 iPhone was stolen last week by a man who fled in a white van, later identified as 23-year-old Horacio Octavio Rangel Torres. Chambliss tracked the phone to the Econo Lodge North and found the van in the parking lot. He called the police, who responded and ran the plates of the van to get the name of the registered owner. The hotel staff then confirmed that the person was renting room 236. Officers knocked on the door, and Rangel-Torres admitted he had the iPhone and surrendered it to officers. He claimed he found the phone and was going to return it to Best Buy the next day.

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Norma Odilia-Macz attacks boyfriend with bicycle, gold belt, extension cord, and knife

24-year-old Norma Odilia-Macz was preparing for a child’s birthday party last week when she reportedly became increasingly intoxicated and began to attack her boyfriend of three years, Isaac Sonora De Jesus. Police were called to the scene after she threw a bicycle at the victim, smacked him with a brown extension cord, and hit him with a gold belt. Not finished with her drunken assault, she then grabbed a knife and began to attack his head, causing injuries that were treated by medics. Officers located the bloody knife, bicycle, extension cord, and gold belt, all of which were considered evidence of the crime.

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Jaime Rodriguez charged in Psycho Bunny shoplifting at Rivergate Mall

Security says 28-year-old Jaime Rodriguez was caught shoplifting at the Rivergate Mall on November 26th. He was observed taking a “Psycho Bunny” shirt from the men’s department of Dillard’s and rolling it up in his left hand. He then went to the home department and grabbed an empty bag, placing the shirt inside. He was then apprehended and taken to the back office, where the Psycho Bunny shirt was recovered, along with a grey Armani t-shirt. Both items were valued at $145 in total.

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Elizabeth Parker Bibb charged in DUI crash with her child in the car

22-year-old Elizabeth Bibb is charged with DUI with a child after a November crash on I-40. Officers arrived to find Bibb and her four-year-old daughter in the Ford Fusion. Bibb was visibly intoxicated and unsteady on her feet as she was taken to an ambulance to be transported to a local hospital. Her stepfather advised he believed she had been drinking earlier in the day, and she confirmed she used both Xanax and alcohol. She reportedly told a doctor at the hospital she “got too drunk,” which was relayed to police. Due to her being admitted to the hospital, she was issued a state citation, which she was booked on this week.

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David Gandy says roommate ran into his knife and “stabbed himself”

45-year-old David Gandy is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after police say he stabbed his roommate, Derek Walsh, in the chest with a knife. The victim says he was grieving over another roommate who had just died and was drinking and became increasingly upset as the night progressed. He stated he was also upset because Gandy had a drug dealer at the shared home after another roommate just died. The victim admits to busting down Gandy’s bedroom door and having a verbal argument over drug use. The victim says he then left the room and realized he had been stabbed. He says he never saw the object he was stabbed with but did hear Gandy say he was going to cut him. Gandy claims he held a pocket knife up when Walsh charged at him, and he “stabbed himself.”

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Tony Gainous repeatedly kicked out of Vanderbilt Football game after jumping gates to re-enter

41-year-old Tony A. Gainous is charged with public intoxication and criminal trespass after his behavior at a Vanderbilt Football game last week. Vanderbilt Police initially responded to an individual, identified as Gainous, who was sitting in the wrong section. It was soon discovered he did not have a ticket to the game and was escorted outside the gates. A short time later, he jumped the gate and drunkenly ran onto the football field, stumbling and falling. He was issued a criminal trespass warning and again escorted from the property. Still not deterred, Gainous then jumped Gate 2 to get into the stadium. Tired of dealing with his antics, Vanderbilt police took him into custody and transported him to booking downtown.

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DUI: Vitalina Holder white girl wasted on White Claws

Officers were on Percy Drive on another unrelated call when they came in contact with 36-year-old Vitalina Yegorov Holder, who was standing beside her Silver Mercedes, which was parked with the engine running. Officers immediately noticed her slurred speech and the smell of alcohol. She admitted to drinking “two White Claws” prior to driving. She was reportedly so intoxicated that field sobriety tests had to be stopped for her own safety. Inside her car was an opened case of White Claw seltzer drinks with two open cans nearby. She would later blow a 0.147% BAC on a breathalyzer, as she found out there are, in fact, still laws when drinking Claws — something she should have known, as she’s married to local attorney Chris Holder.

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Music City Protection owner Orlando Hughes leaves both his gun and a suspect in his car

Orlando Hughes, the owner of Music City Protection, says he took 18-year-old Roy Davis into custody and detained him at Ezell Harding Christian School for “stealing packages” and even posted his photo on social media before detaining him in his vehicle while he waited for Metro Nashville Police to arrive. The teenager was unarmed when he was put into the vehicle to stay warm, and after two hours, Hughes was preparing to release Davis, as MNPD still had not responded to the scene, and he was no longer able to wait. He took Davis out of the vehicle and realized he was in possession of Hughes’ Glock 43x handgun, which had been stored in the glove compartment. Huges told the actual police officer that Davis “must have taken it when I wasn’t looking.” Hughes is a licensed armed security guard and a state-certified trainer. Davis was charged with theft of a firearm.

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