Micheal Puckett: Felon Handyman – Reformed OR Relapsed?

You probably remember our Neighborhood Watch story about Micheal Puckett, a handyman felon (violent, not some drug charge), trying to get odd jobs working in peoples homes after he got out of prison for shooting someone, despite total compliance while he was robbing them, he shot them anyways. In fact, over the past few weeks you’ve likely seen his horrible grammar on a post or two in your favorite East Nashville groups – along with his absolute horrible behavior. In fact it reminded us of something that Micheal wrote to us shortly after we published the neighborhood watch warning article about him – something that makes us wonder is he really reformed, or relapsed back to his old ways?


puckett quote

Michael wrote to us a few weeks ago to say: “It was a mistake i made at 18 i did my time in prison i learned my lesson…” & continued on “But if i cant get to work because of post like this then i may have to resort to my old ways and guess who suffers the ppl like you who wrote this pose that live in east nash. Im trying to live and do go any one that i have done work for will tell you i am honest and professional.

Michael reply to ENN

So with all of that, you would assume that maybe he really is on the straight and narrow, and just trying to provide for his family and has left the ‘street life’ in his past? We gave him the benefit of the doubt, as did many other people until he started making threats and then he really showed out today, where we were tipped of that he was talking about his access to and use of guns and how he was “known for that gun play” and “better check my record ill shoot a motherfucker in a hart beat an show them the real east Nashville street life“. In fact, here’s some of the conversation from earlier today, and we can’t find much that is ‘professional’ as claims to be – in fact this is certainly not someone I would want in my home since he’s already shot and robbed someone once before…




So, we have to ask, Micheal, is this the new reformed professional you’ve become?

You should not blame articles such as this for the reason that you can’t get a job, you should look at your own actions. Your potential customers are seeing the same thing we are.. in fact, one of your former customers is who alerted us to today’s outburst about guns and violence. In case you don’t remember the charges, including shooting another human during the course of a robbery here are the charges that Micheal Puckett faced:

[embeddoc url=”https://news.scoopnashville.com/media/2015/11/Case-Search-Details.pdf”]

And also the grizzly details of the shooting and robbery:

[embeddoc url=”https://news.scoopnashville.com/media/2015/11/pucket-details.pdf”]

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