Charles Chesney: In Contempt & Behind Bars!

If you’ve lived here in East Nashville for any length of time, then you are familiar with the crazy loudmouth, ranting, raving, walking-down-the-centerline, drunk, high, screaming at the top of his lungs, flag carrying, singing, cape wearing, tripping, literal crazy person, otherwise known as Charles Chesney.


chesney dcso 2Rest easy tonight, East Nashville – our resident village idiot is behind bars, arrested yesterday 1/26, for contempt of court – where he’ll serve a 10 day sentence – before beginning a lengthy probation stent with the Mental Health Court of Davidson county, for a slew of recent charges. While we don’t have the details of what he did to get a contempt of court charge, we can almost assure you it’s one of the things mentioned above. We envision him going off on the judge about how racist the court and justice system is, and that the white people are oppressing his ability to sing in court, or something along those lines – or perhaps they made him remove his cape when he entered the courtroom.

If you’ve never heard of Charles Chesney then you’ve never been on Shelby on a Titans game day – or at any of the East Nashville dive bars, all of which he’s been kicked and barred from.. here’s just an overview of some of his charges:

  • No Driver’s License
  • Implied Consent-Civil
  • DUI
  • Implied Consent-Civil
  • DUI
  • Public Intox.
  • Res. Arr.
  • Public Intox.
  • Vandalism o/$500
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Res. Arr.
  • Vandalism o/$500
  • Assault of Officer
  • Vandalism o/$500

Chesney does also have an appearance tomorrow, 1/28

ches 128 appear


chesney dcso 1

The charges list itself is impressive, but for the real treats, you have to read the details below, you’ll find such gems as hiding in bathrooms, laying in the snow to resist arrest, too many drunk incidents to count, and the officers seem to really get a kick out of their interactions with this class clown.

chesney listing

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Hiding in bathrooms….

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color of brilliance

Resisting arrest, kicking open cop car doors, kicking officers, assault…

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Intoxicated, singing in the middle of the road, chanting at cops, refusing to move…

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Refusing to leave 308, laying on snowcovered sidewalk, refusing to move, intoxicated…

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“I’m drunk, PLEASE take me to jail”…

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I’m wasting your time with these sobriety tests, take me to jail…

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